Behind the iron curtain

img src=""1b,121b,121A few weeks ago , rHil & Fab-E went on a digging mission in Eastern Europe (Budapest and Krakow). It???s time now to discover the music they brought back. This show is all about Jazz, Jazz-Fusion, Jazz-Rock and Progressive Rock released in Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary and Yugoslavia in the 70???s.b,121b,121A musical journey behind the iron curtain selected and mixed by rHil.b,121b,121a href=" " target="_blank"1Listen/a1b,121 b, 21Zbigniew Namyslowski - Kujaviak goes funkyb, 21Michal Urbaniak - Always Readyb, 21Extra Ball - Siodemkab,121Jazz Q - Carodej (Wizard)b,121Bergendy - Kikapcsolom az idegrendszeremb,121Bergendy - Fagypant folott mienk a vilagb,121Kati Kovacs - El ne hagyd magadb,121Niemen - Zechcesz mnie zechceszb,121Urszula Sipinska - Fortepian w rzeceb,121Marie Rottrova - Ring of lightb,121Skorpio - Lead me through the nightb,121Syrius - Igen, szep volt (yeah, that was nice)b,121General - Kapj elo egy lemeztb,121September - Za tvoj rodjendanb,121The Flamingo Group - Chain of foolsb,121Czerwone Gitary - Codab,121Locomotiv GT - Es jott a doktorb,121Metro - A penzb,121Niemen - Enigmatyczne impresjeb,121Czerwone Gitary - Rytm ziemib,121Modry Efekt - Ma hrab,121b,121Also:b,121a href="" target="_blank"1Liquid Spirits/a1 - Guest of the Week on LDBK online radio.b,121a href="" target="_blank"1Pictures of the Week/a1 - Our favorite pictures from our Flickr pool.b,121a href="" target="_blank"1Oaxaca Street Art/a1 - An introduction to Mexican street art.