Marva Whitney Osaka Monaurail European Tour 2008

SoulpowerSoulpower 204 Posts
edited October 2008 in Announcements
Hi y'all,b,121Japan's mighty Osaka Monaurail will be touring Europe for the third time, fronted by no other than James Brown's Soulsister # 1 Marva Whitney on selected dates. b,121Osaka Monaurail have just released their brandnew album in Japan, under the name Undercover Express. The record - a collection of instrumental Funk covers - will be released in Europe as "Osaka Monaurail - Amen, Brother!" in December on Germany's Unique Records.b,121If the show comes to your town, don't miss it. Osaka Monaurail is one of the best Funk live acts worldwide.b,121b,12110/30 Southampton, Soul Cellar (+ Marva Whitney)b,12110/31 Dublin, Andrew's Lane Theatre (+ Marva Whitney)b,12111/01 London, Jazz Cafe (+ Marva Whitney)b,12111/04 Munich, Atomic Cafeb,12111/06 Barcelona, Sala Apolob,12111/07 Madrid, Sala Caracolb,12111/08 Valencia, El Loco Clubb,12111/10 Trier, Chat Noirb,12111/11 Darmstadt, 603 qmb,12111/13 Stuttgart, t.b.a.b,12111/14 Marseille, Planet Cafeb,12111/15 Montpellier, Le Jamb,12111/18 Cologne, Stadtgartenb,12111/19 Bremen, Momentsb,12111/20 Berlin, Tausendb,12111/21 Berlin, Tausendb,12111/22 Hamburg, Mandarin Kasinob,121b,121img src=""1b,121b,121img src=""1
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