House to Vote 2008: Oct 13 @ Water Taxi Beach

ReggieReggie 64 Posts
edited October 2008 in Announcements
img src=""1b,121b,121b,121???House The Vote 2008??? will engage youth to partake in the political process by incorporating the entertainment community and youth culture into its activity. From poets to musicians, artists to dancers, and DJ's, ???House the Vote??? harnesses cutting-edge trends and pop culture to make political participation cool.b,121b,121This Event is specifically addresses voter apathy and dissolution. ???House the Vote??? is being done with the intention of ensuring that young people take advantage of their right to vote. Furthermore, based on The Melting Pot???s underground perspective, which includes fresh important concepts that motivates all types of people with different economical brackets, that everyone's vote is essential for this country???s progression.b,121b,121Through this proposed event we hope to cultivate a strong sense of family and accomplishment concerning our work to the community and most importantly motivate people to vote as well as to vote and effect change. We believe that we would be able to draw a very appreciating audience to this event and at the same time make their visit a memorable one. b,121Admission is Free, but a $10 donation is suggested. Portions of the proceeds go to the League of Young Voters. /b1
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