Debate Prep
671 Posts
Welp, here is my prediction for Friday. b,121b,121With the polls going south for John McCain and the economy killing his chances to become President we are going to see McCain using both foreign policy barrels on Obama. He has to instill doubt in the public's mind on whether Obama can be Commander-In-Chief or he is done. All Obama has to do is show basic competence in foreign affairs and it is game over.b,121b,121Obvious? Yep. But I think McCain is going to overreach on this and come across as unhinged and out of touch as he has been during this economic crisis. As George Will put it:b,121b,121"Under the pressure of the financial crisis, one presidential candidate is behaving like a flustered rookie playing in a league too high. It is not Barack Obama." b,121b,121This debate covers McCain's area of expertise and if he is not in control of the topic and more importantly himself he is going to complete the circuit that will fry his chances at the Whitehouse.