Iraq Names Project Milestone

LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
edited May 2008 in Strut Central
Aaron J WardThe 4,385th coalition soldier to die in Iraq and the most recent name released by the Department Of Defense, as of May 10th. Aaron was 19 years old when he died, he was from San Jacinto CA and stationed out of Fort Lewis. 347 days ago Nancy Hiss started writing the names of Coalition soldiers who died in Iraq. She draws them in chalk on the city sidewalks of Portland. She has drawn a continuous line 12 miles long starting with those who died on March 21st 2003. Now she has no names to write.No doubt more will die, 2 already have but the names have not been released. She now has the sad job of waiting for the Department of Defense to announce the names of those who have died. When she gets more names she will be back on the sidewalk.


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