Get ya buzz on

deejdeej 5,125 Posts
edited April 2008 in Strut Central
do u party?


  • deejdeej 5,125 Posts
    you cant be serious

  • finelikewinefinelikewine "ONCE UPON A TIME, I HAD A VINYL." 1,416 Posts

    the kind of record that gives house a bad name.

  • deejdeej 5,125 Posts
    lol ok u tell that to dj pierre

    u do not party

  • deejdeej 5,125 Posts
    oh man youre a euro, even worse
    cant believe i bothered to respond to u telling me about what house music is

  • finelikewinefinelikewine "ONCE UPON A TIME, I HAD A VINYL." 1,416 Posts
    oh man youre a euro, even worse
    cant believe i bothered to respond to u telling me about what house music is

    Dude, this has nothing to do with were I'm located, it's just a matter of taste.
    Believe me, we have our fair share of this kind of bad house music over here and I had to bear this shit far to often.
    It amazes me, that a lot of u.s. dudes on soulstrut always seem to have excellent taste in old music but when it comes to new club music they can cope with the worst crappy jiggy shit.

  • deejdeej 5,125 Posts
    yeah, dj pierre, byron stingily and paul johnson need to learn to represent the REAL. u dudes need to stick to wearing manpris and wooden shoes and stfu telling dudes born in chicago what 'real house music' sounds like

  • deejdeej 5,125 Posts
    no offense to euro strutters who know im right

  • i don't see it being that bad. Sounds like a schmaltzy disco record actually. Sounds like some Defected type shit.

    cheesey house= some alice deejay or "barbie world" crap

  • deejdeej 5,125 Posts
    it used to be so much easier to bait pplz here. now i just sound butthurt for nothing

  • CBearCBear 902 Posts
    I definitely don't party.

  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts
    oh man youre a euro, even worse
    cant believe i bothered to respond to u telling me about what house music is

    in case you hadn't noticed, us euros have a history of taking your music, deciding what is best, and then letting you in on the secret ten years later

    only baiting you

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,788 Posts

    Mmmm, I think Euro bias is irrelevant here, I don't pah-rrr-tay.

    On the subject Skel, you should be down the pub before last order! That's were I'm headed.

  • deejdeej 5,125 Posts
    that deserves a BAN

    for real fuck any dude who doesnt know the genius of paul johnson

  • finelikewinefinelikewine "ONCE UPON A TIME, I HAD A VINYL." 1,416 Posts
    that deserves a BAN

    for real fuck any dude who doesnt know the genius of paul johnson

    your noncritical worshipping/dickriding for certain icon figures deservess a ban.
    Get yourself a basic bullshit filter or some taste.

  • deejdeej 5,125 Posts
    'certain icon figures'

    ok dude how about your blanket shit talking about american taste in house music is what deserves a ban, i mean if you really want to go there im down to talk about euro house all night long and im way more open to it than 99% of soulstrut

    if u read any of my posts on this board you'd know im the last person to go blanket dickriding but posting a pic of paul johnson and going 'straight up shitty' after talking about how americans have 'cheesy' taste in house is fuckin corny. U sound like some 'edgy' blogger trynna get over by mentioning he doesnt really dig tupac omg.

    anyway i dont get whats cheesy about a 10 minute organ jam w/ byron stingily riffing about getting fucked up and dancing, im sorry if thats 'jiggy' to yr wack euro sensibilities. btw using 'jiggy' to describe this kinda vibe is a bit RACIALLY SUSPECT imo

  • deejdeej 5,125 Posts

    this capping on square euros is getting tired ... here's a link to a 20 min mix of boolumaster spinning house music, some great shit in here ... 3 the natalie cole remix

  • yuichiyuichi Urban sprawl 11,331 Posts

    do u party?

    This is the type of music I wouldn't bother to spend time trying to like.

  • ostost Montreal 1,375 Posts
    I think FirmeRola gave the "straight up shitty" graemlin to the lame raver boy with the candy necklaces...
    Concerning the euro thing....serioulsy I don't get where they're coming from with that cuz THEY are responsible for a majority of the extremely cheesy and horrendous Dance/Techno/etc, that's been going on in the past 15-20 years....
    Now concerning this particular track you posted here, Deej, I gotta agree and say it's not a great track in my opinion. I would of posted something more like this
    That's just my opinion though and I personally am more of a Classic House guy....

  • deejdeej 5,125 Posts
    I think FirmeRola gave the "straight up shitty" graemlin to the lame raver boy with the candy necklaces...
    Concerning the euro thing....serioulsy I don't get where they're coming from with that cuz THEY are responsible for a majority of the extremely cheesy and horrendous Dance/Techno/etc, that's been going on in the past 15-20 years....
    Now concerning this particular track you posted here, Deej, I gotta agree and say it's not a great track in my opinion. I would of posted something more like this
    That's just my opinion though and I personally am more of a Classic House guy....
    this is a classic yeah but totally diff vibe

  • deejdeej 5,125 Posts
    true, cuz it actually has a vibe & not some queso filled vocoder shit vocals...
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