281-330-8004, hit mike jones up on the low, cuz mike jones about to blow
281-330-8004, hit mike jones up on the low, cuz mike jones about to blow I tried. it's disconnected.
Would Mike Jones impregnate a lesbian?WWMJD?
That is so fucked up that the number would get disconnected. dudes getting paid an can't pay his bills?
I tried. it's disconnected.
a friend and i tripped and called him over and over the entire night. "queue of 1000+ on the line..."
In whom is Mike Jones comin'?
Nice temporary location.
That is so fucked up that the number would get disconnected. dudes getting paid an can't pay his bills?
Paul Wall would... WWTPCD? (read: what would the peoples champ do)
He's too busy making payments on his teeth.