the fuck? school shooting related

The_Hook_UpThe_Hook_Up 8,182 Posts
edited February 2008 in Strut Central
2 school shootings in Memphis in a week and now this in Illinois:


  • The_NonThe_Non 5,691 Posts
    I'm concerned about this trend, not only from a gun control POV, but it's on Valentine's Day in IL. It's like crazy assholes need a day to make their acts significant, like Hitler's birthday.

  • verb606verb606 2,518 Posts
    I'm concerned about this trend, not only from a gun control POV, but it's on Valentine's Day in IL. It's like crazy assholes need a day to make their acts significant, like Hitler's birthday.

    This is also coming on the heels of that dude who shot up a Lane Bryant store somewhere south of Chicago and killed like 5 people.

    Shit's getting real in the suburban streets. who knew? I want to know what reason this NIU clown had for bugging out. Maybe I don't, though. It's never going to justify what he did.

  • So crazy. One of my best friends teaches at this school, but he and his family are all OK. This is just getting ridiculous.

  • Media is feeding these people. Giving them the attention they crave.

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,025 Posts
    Media is feeding these people. Giving them the attention they crave.

    So they shouldn't report on them?

  • damn. most of the targets were shot in the head

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    Media is feeding these people. Giving them the attention they crave.
    yeah man if there wasnt any news these people wouldn't be fucked in the head anymore right

  • Media is feeding these people. Giving them the attention they crave.

    So they shouldn't report on them?

    I was puzzling over a response that would argue that the media should be less sensational, and report the facts, but not publish big photos and profiles of the shooters. But honestly, I think the media should be free to do whatever the hell it wants so long as news outlets publish in good faith what they think is true. Other social forces including social alienation, a culture of violence, and easy access to guns seem a lot more important, and hold the potential of meaningful change. Maybe censoring the media would take away some of the motivation that fuels a school shooter, but the cost of censoring the press isn't worth it.

  • This is my question for everyone.

    Do you think media coverage encourages these types of events? Do you think it actually inspires people? I don't mean encourages in the way they report it, like advocating it, but that it gives visual cues and examples for other sick people to follow.

    I don't really know what to think. I can't see any of these articles inspiring someone who is not already at that point mentally (like inspiring someone to do something like this when they'd never thought of it previously), but maybe if someone is already at breaking point they might get a nudge of inspiration.

    There is no way not to report on this stuff. I think most people are fascinated by murderers and criminals, so that's why everything is always sensationalized.

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,025 Posts
    This is my question for everyone.

    Do you think media coverage encourages these types of events? Do you think it actually inspires people? I don't mean encourages in the way they report it, like advocating it, but that it gives visual cues and examples for other sick people to follow.

    I don't really know what to think. I can't see any of these articles inspiring someone who is not already at that point mentally (like inspiring someone to do something like this when they'd never thought of it previously), but maybe if someone is already at breaking point they might get a nudge of inspiration.

    There is no way not to report on this stuff. I think most people are fascinated by murderers and criminals, so that's why everything is always sensationalized.

    I respect where you're question is coming from and personally, I think there's no simple answer. I researched rampage shootings back in 2006 - this was right after that horrific Amish school shooting but before Virginia Tech - and one of the more compelling arguments I came across basically explained that regardless of the mental health of the shooter, one of the things that he needed to possess was a mental script that gun violence is a way to solve problems - being bullied, having one's masculinity challenged, whatever.

    One could certainly suggest that media coverage of these shootings contributes to that script where gun violence becomes seen as a solution. However, the general equation of "gun violence = permissable, even preferable" is something that's broadcast in myriad forms beyond just the news media: it's in our movies, our music, our t.v., our video games, etc. Even if media outlets decided not to report on these shootings, there'd still be more than ample ways for youth to become familiar with gun violence.

  • HarveyCanalHarveyCanal "a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts
    See: Manchurian Candidates.

    Certain kids get programmed at an early age and basically become sleepers...just like our government openly describes the "sleeper" terrorist threat. And they know full well all about it...because they trained/programmed both the terrorists and these mass murdering children. Where the media comes into play is that it typically issues the signal to awaken the sleepers to live out the violent scripts that have been embedded in the recesses of their minds.

  • FlomotionFlomotion 2,390 Posts
    See: Manchurian Candidates.

    Certain kids get programmed at an early age and basically become sleepers...just like our government openly describes the "sleeper" terrorist threat. And they know full well all about it...because they trained/programmed both the terrorists and these mass murdering children. Where the media comes into play is that it typically issues the signal to awaken the sleepers to live out the violent scripts that have been embedded in the recesses of their minds.

    Are you joking or quoting?

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    See: Manchurian Candidates.

    Certain kids get programmed at an early age and basically become sleepers...just like our government openly describes the "sleeper" terrorist threat. And they know full well all about it...because they trained/programmed both the terrorists and these mass murdering children. Where the media comes into play is that it typically issues the signal to awaken the sleepers to live out the violent scripts that have been embedded in the recesses of their minds.

    Amazing how you can come up with this shit but was baffled by a simple math trick.

    Do tell, why would the government want kids in a college in Dekalb, Ill. killed?

  • HarveyCanalHarveyCanal "a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts
    Serious as a yet another school shooting.

    Do your homework on Manchurian Candidates, which have been around at least since World War II.

    Do your homework on Columbine.

    Then try to wake up out of your own sleep.

    And Rock, your stones are like feathers.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    Serious as a yet another school shooting.

    Do your homework on Manchurian Candidates, which have been around at least since World War II.

    Do your homework on Columbine.

    Then try to wake up out of your own sleep.

    And Rock, your stones are like feathers.

    Do tell, why would the government want kids in a college in Dekalb, Ill. killed?

    To promote their gun control agenda??

    Because they can??

  • HarveyCanalHarveyCanal "a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts

    Do tell, why would the government want kids in a college in Dekalb, Ill. killed?

    So it's only in Dekalb, Ill that we've suffered through a school shooting this past week?

    Think bigger.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts

    Do tell, why would the government want kids in a college in Dekalb, Ill. killed?

    So it's only in Dekalb, Ill that we've suffered through a school shooting this past week?

    Think bigger.

    No...there have been 4 school shootings this week.

    And 18 drive-bys.

    You think all those bloods and crips were programmed by "the man"??

  • HarveyCanalHarveyCanal "a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts

    Do tell, why would the government want kids in a college in Dekalb, Ill. killed?

    So it's only in Dekalb, Ill that we've suffered through a school shooting this past week?

    Think bigger.

    No...there have been 4 school shootings this week.

    And 18 drive-bys.

    You think all those bloods and crips were programmed by "the man"??

    More homework for you to do I guess before you believe that...yes, "inner city gangs" have been armed and set up with overseas drug connections by the CIA.

    Gary Webb (RIP)- related.

  • deLYSdeLYS 388 Posts

    our salvation lies not in the hands of marshall law- you'll find that each teenage school shooting perp suffered epileptic seizures while watching the pokemon episode "Electric Soldier Porygon" in the mid 90s.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts

    Do tell, why would the government want kids in a college in Dekalb, Ill. killed?

    So it's only in Dekalb, Ill that we've suffered through a school shooting this past week?

    Think bigger.

    No...there have been 4 school shootings this week.

    And 18 drive-bys.

    You think all those bloods and crips were programmed by "the man"??

    More homework for you to do I guess before you believe that...yes, "inner city gangs" have been armed and set up with overseas drug connections by the CIA.

    Gary Webb (RIP)- related.

    Does the Boogie Man live under your bed or in your closet??

  • Do tell, why would the government want kids in a college in Dekalb, Ill. killed?

    So it's only in Dekalb, Ill that we've suffered through a school shooting this past week?

    Think bigger.

    You still haven't explained why, be explicit or stop with your cryptic pontifications..

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts

    Do tell, why would the government want kids in a college in Dekalb, Ill. killed?

    So it's only in Dekalb, Ill that we've suffered through a school shooting this past week?

    Think bigger.

    You still haven't explained why, be explicit or stop with your cryptic pontifications..

    No...we're supposed to 'do our homework"

    I'm done with mine.... and what I've learned is the dude's a nut.

    Most conspiracy theorists just focus on one conspiracy....Harvey's got 100's of them.

  • ElectrodeElectrode Los Angeles 3,091 Posts

    Amazing how you can come up with this shit but was baffled by a simple math trick.


  • HarveyCanalHarveyCanal "a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts
    Fact is, I don't know the exact motivation for the administering of school shootings. Some say it's to push us into martial law. I don't know though...

    What I do know is that prescribed meds are usually involved...implying that there have indeed been "specialists" working on the minds of said subjects.

    And video games or not, I don't believe that any person has the gumption to be so randomly cold blooded without first being pushed into it by some sort of externally-derived persuasion.

    I fully realize that it's pointless to talk to some of you about such topics as you seem to think that we live in a world where 100% of everything just happens by chance....a world where the CIA doesn't secretly meddle into the affairs of foreign nations, where American presidential elections aren't rigged, where secret societies are just for social events and their widely-published agendas are just for jokes, where surveillance by biometrics isn't already knocking on your skull, where US bombs don't just drop under false pretenses, and most importantly where you smug scumbags aren't benefitting from just about all of the stuff you make careers out of denying.

    But then there are those who do have the wherewithall to think outside of the box, which is pretty much the only way to go at this point in time.

    You think I'm nuts, fine. Doesn't really faze me. But I've yet to hear any of you come up with any of the reasons that you expect me to provide (killers who have already killed themselves are striving for attention???), so I'm not sure where your pompous stance on this shit is coming from.

    Oh yeah, y'all are pompous about everything...that's right, I almost forgot.

  • MKultra is most likely real... but these children were not manchurian candidates... thats some stupid ass shit.

  • twoplytwoply Only Built 4 Manzanita Links 2,914 Posts
    Fuck. I see soulstrut still invalidates any post that requires time and thought to compose. My six-paragraph response is lost.

  • salviasalvia 279 Posts
    Do you think media coverage encourages these types of events? Do you think it actually inspires people?

    It probably does, but i think the glorification of violence and the cultural acceptance of firearms has more to do with it.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts

    Oh yeah, y'all are pompous about everything...that's right, I almost forgot.

    It's your right to believe whatever the hell you want....but coming here constantly trying to promote these ideas is no different than a Born-Again Christian coming here trying to get us all to see the light and repent.

  • GuzzoGuzzo 8,611 Posts

    I fully realize that it's pointless to talk to some of you about such topics

    Fact is, I don't know the exact motivation for the administering of school shootings.

    smug scumbags aren't benefitting from just about all of the stuff you make careers out of denying.

    not sure where your pompous stance on this shit is coming from.

    I'm nuts
    I'm nuts
    I'm nuts
    I'm nuts
    I'm nuts
    I'm nuts
    I'm nuts

    pompous about everything...that's right

  • This is my question for everyone.

    Do you think media coverage encourages these types of events? Do you think it actually inspires people?

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