how do u play your 45s?
198 Posts
what do you guys do, get up ever 2 or 3 mins and change the record? rip em to your hard drive and play em in a playlist? just curious
i mean, as opposed to 45s i dont own, which i play on the computer.
Keb Darge.... he has the Sound Stylistics in the top 3 funk lps of all time.
So what are the other 2?
Ask him please, I need to know!
I do vinyl transfers for myself, then burn them to DVD-R for future use and archiving purposes.
I usually listen on my headphones and most of my 45's are near my desk, so there's no need to get up.
Anyway, i still play my 45's with a stereo (Shure Whitelabel) stylus but would like to get a mono stylus instead. Anyone know a good one that's not geared to 78rpm records specifically?