Car Insurance

spelunkspelunk 3,400 Posts
edited January 2008 in Strut Central
Sorry for the non-record related post, but I'm about to have a car for the first time this summer and need to get insurance. I know very little about this other than that it's obnoxiously expensive and there are Geckos on TV that want me to buy it. Any recommendations are highly appreciated. If I can get on my parents plan will I save some money? Yes these are little dude questions but I've never dealt with this before.If it makes any difference I'll be driving across the country and back in a '96 Honda Odyssey. Also, I only need insurance for 6 months, because at the start of '09 I'll be in Brasil.


  • ElectrodeElectrode Los Angeles 3,136 Posts
    Funny how I just saw this post right after getting off the phone with my dad, letting him know all the details about my milage, work travel distance, etc. to determine my premium. I can't really give you much help since my pops is the one who handles all the paperwork and I just cut him the check 9 months a year. I am with AAA on his plan. I like them because of all the discounts they give you on stuff from hotels down to eye glasses. If you're the academic type, having more than 12 college units and maintaining a ~3.0 GPA helps. While I still pay a nice little chunk of cash a month due to my young age, a couple of minor traffic infractions w/ a small fender bender a couple of years ago as a green driver, it's not too bad considering I have minimal financial responsibilities. Plus, it comes with the territory if you live in expensive, blood sucking California (I swear I'm moving once I'm solidly on my feet!). I found out that I will be paying slightly less, as in $300 opposed to $335, since I now work only 5 miles from my house and I let them know I park in a garage (which I don't, but hey...). I did some heavy duty driving in the first year or so of buying my car which is/was all calculated into a quota bracket, keep in mind.

  • spelunkspelunk 3,400 Posts
    if you live in expensive, blood sucking California (I swear I'm moving once I'm solidly on my feet!).

    Same here, I am looking at rentals in other states and the prices are dirt cheap compared to here. Thanks for the advice, I am a full time student and got the grades so that should help.

  • Funny how I just saw this post right after getting off the phone with my dad, letting him know all the details about my milage, work travel distance, etc. to determine my premium. I can't really give you much help since my pops is the one who handles all the paperwork and I just cut him the check 9 months a year. I am with AAA on his plan. I like them because of all the discounts they give you on stuff from hotels down to eye glasses. If you're the academic type, having more than 12 college units and maintaining a ~3.0 GPA helps. While I still pay a nice little chunk of cash a month due to my young age, a couple of minor traffic infractions w/ a small fender bender a couple of years ago as a green driver, it's not too bad considering I have minimal financial responsibilities. Plus, it comes with the territory if you live in expensive, blood sucking California (I swear I'm moving once I'm solidly on my feet!). I found out that I will be paying slightly less, as in $300 opposed to $335, since I now work only 5 miles from my house and I let them know I park in a garage (which I don't, but hey...). I did some heavy duty driving in the first year or so of buying my car which is/was all calculated into a quota bracket, keep in mind.

    Are you saying you pay $335 a month for car insurance? Or is that for 9 months?

  • establish residence in a cheaper area

    when i was traveling around the country, i was under the yoke of philly's $1500 a year insurance rates (for young men). i realize in new orleans that my insurance had lapsed and the suckers in philly would only renew my policy if i came to their ofice in person (what century were they operating in?)

    i figured id get some nice, southern rates instead. but nola, home of the drive through daquiri booths, also had exorbitant rates. enter the "house of the vulva". a new friend linked me with friends in little rock arkansas, where i could establish residence and enjoy the $450 a year rates. he added, "just so you know, its a lesbian house".

    but it all worked out.

    now, back in philly and in a less encumbered age bracket, i got very respectable quotes through AIG. check them out.

  • spelunkspelunk 3,400 Posts
    Yeah I'm looking at something around $800 for 6 months, maybe less if I can get on my parents policy. As a new driver (Yes, clon all you want) that doesn't seem that bad in CA.

    I will be living in another state for around two months though - how might that affect my insurance? Or do I just keep that

  • hcrinkhcrink 8,729 Posts
    if I can get on my parents policy.

    Definitely try to. Otherwise, it sounds like almost anyone is gonna charge you up the ass. I know there's a few sites that will find you the cheapest rate in your area, but sometimes it means driving 2 hours to some tiny place just to save a few bucks.
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