Quickbooks Heads... ebay payment gateway

Jonny_PaycheckJonny_Paycheck 17,825 Posts
edited January 2008 in Strut Central
To whom it may concernI just spent a good 30 min on the phone with a Quickbooks representative who is trying to convert me over to their credit card processing arm. The thing that did it? An ebay payment gateway that you can use credit cards or paypal balances with... but which acts more like a bank in the event of a chargeback... and get this...They have a whole chargeback DEPARTMENT.Obviously this is not for everyone, it is predicated upon processing credit cards in a physical location, but if you do enough ebay business it might be worth investigating.


  • kalakala 3,361 Posts
    sup count mackula

    so you can accept a paypal payment or a regualr credit card/drbit card payment for an auction?

    how much is the monthly fee and how much do they whack you on transaction fees?

    you getting a cut if i sign up?

    jus kidddin'

  • DjArcadianDjArcadian 3,632 Posts
    Quickbooks has a good merchant program. I can't attest to their chargeback department since my industry rarely encounters chargebacks but generally speaking chargebacks on merchant accounts favor the card holder just as much as Paypal would. Your best guarantee against chargebacks is just ship to the billing address.
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