7.8.2005.KRUNKPLESTILLSKINDJ EUROK(hip-hop, dance hall, reggaeton in Gucci flip-flops )B-DAE IN A BAD WAY (advanced liver punishment + relentless digestive assault) MULTIPLE MAN (live lines between brilliance and insanity)OPEN MIC(hosted by Til.All.Mommies.Undress)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Last set of uploaded pics from recent Krunks:http://www.tittsworth.com/images/2005/062405/
D J E U R O K : P O U N D T H E D A M N W A L L S Hypnotic cashmere bathrobes on some Pretty Tone shit for this one. Big Eu stay nasty on the summertime decks, poolside and Krunkified. Don't miss the special b-dae edition ruckus... mega hot til three o'clock. Hip-hop, reggaeton, B-more club, funk, soul, old school and whatever it takes to create that midsection friction!!! Don't miss a Krunk favorite! Feed him shots til the turbo sound cabs beg for tender forgiveness!!
SURRENDER THE LIVER AND NOBODY GETS HURT.HAPPY BIRTH-DAE!! Can't show nuff love for main man Dae!! Waddup pimpin... Friday means 151 and ScotchGuard son. Preciate the grind and just for keepin it fam. From DC comp's and local talent showcases to organizing Okay Player events and being "down to earth, down to merch," Friday's all about showing love to one of DC's most beloved community members. If you don't know Dae, what a better opportunity to buy main man some flammable affection over a Krunkfelt introduction.
L I V E P E R F O R M A N C E :M U L T I PL E M A N is one of the craziest, if not the, craziest artist ever to emerge from the District of Columbia . Born in Long Island , this current NW resident has been often referred to as one of DC's best kept. Appropriately coined "Multiple Man" has been twice jailed, yet is one of the brightest students at the Pharmacy school of Howard University. Been sent to St. Elizabeth's (an institution for the mentally ill), MM balances brilliant pharmacy with ???sick??? oversexed hip-hop. This is a man with book knowledge who possesses amazingly skillful lyricism and soulful singing ability. Friday. Unpredictable and full of surprises. Here's some spots to check for his ass: www.cha-tv.com ; www.cdbaby.com/multipleman ; www.cdbaby.com/multipleman2TITTSWORTHWhether Baltimore club or classic hip-hop, this DNB vet always sets his mind to keeping the dance floor as lit as his liver. Never stopping the rapid mix, except for maybe a shot, this beat guru draws from an extensive library of tempo varying tracks that guarantees Krunk lives up to its name! Expect the best in dance friendly hip-hop, club, 80's and more!
OPEN MIChost by TAMUSay it, don't spray it. Things to bring: your wit, off-the-top rhymes, positive attitudes, sharp lyrical ability and mic control. Things to leave at home: stank breath, written or memorized content, thuggish ruggish attitudes and b.o. Open mic from 11-12, expertly hosted by TAMU. SET TIMES:11-12: OPEN MIC host by Tamu12-12:30: Multiple Man Live12:30-CLOSE: Eurok f/ Dae B-DayOnly $5 for this banana-business!Ladies still get a FREE shot!2-for-1 shots, $4 beers / $5 mixed drinks!KRUNK IS EVERY FRIDAY @ SINGAPORE 1134 19th St NW DCDirections including metro: http://tittsworth.com/dirOnly 2 blocks from metro!Right around the corner from Red/ [/b]

Is that Mr. Supreme? J/K
dudes remix of Blackilicious is fucking dope. Been getting a lot of of love in the gig-crates.
tonight! dontsleep
tonight! dontsleep