***BEAT ROCKIN' FRIDAY Dec 28th @ LoFi Performance Gallery*****Featuring a special performance by ORBITRON from the new CD ???B-Boy Universal??? + a screening of FREE THE SOULSHIFTER???s first solo DVD ???A Beautiful One Man Show.??? Both on sale now!*with DJ's Tecumseh, Kamui & Hideki spinnin' classic hip hop, breaks and rare grooves...B-Boys/B-Girls rockin' the floor all night long!*doors open 9pm-2am$5 cover (includes a free drink ticket)21+ w/ ID*Lo-Fi Performance Gallery429 Eastlake Ave ESeattle, WA 98109lofiseattle.orgsoulshifters.comorbitronmusic.com
(Yo Chan I got an extra drink ticket for you, if you slide through)[/b]