using files off an external hardrive
2,181 Posts
just a basic question that im not sure about when it comes to external harddrives. say you have music files on it, is it okay to play them directly off the external harddrive? or i was editing a photoshop file, is it okay to directly edit a file that resides on an external hard drive?the reason im asking is i always understood external drives as being for storage purposes ONLY and NOT for running/using a file. does the drive get damaged faster if you're using the data on it? thoughts/suggestions?muchas gracias
I'm not a computer pro, but I've tinkered around enough. At least it's worked for me in the past. I'm sure someone can prove me wrong. It probably all depends on how much ram you have and how much of a buffer there is.
a question dont know if any of u can help me with, i just got a WD Mybook hardrive and backed my whole hardrive up. its apparently finished. but now when i browse through the external drive, there's a bunch of files with the extension .NBZ instead of my files. i know the thing worked because the external drive as taken up as much space as my original hard drive. but how do i access the files? do u unzip them or something? this is my first time using an external.