Parking ticket/tow help

DjArcadianDjArcadian 3,632 Posts
edited November 2007 in Strut Central
My motorcycle got ticketed and towed for being in a no-parking zone. It was a temporary no-parking zone as Berkeley needed the street cleared for buses on game day. However, my motorcycle was parked in a motorcycle parking section which did not have any no-parking signs posted. The nearest no-parking sign was over 100 feet away.I'm trying to find some law which states the effective distance of a no-parking sign in either California or Berkeley. I can't imagine it's more than 100 feet. It was completely reasonable for me to assume I was allowed to park where I was.Anyone got better Google skills than me or had similar experience? Need help.


  • man i miss the bay area. you actually have the possibility of wining a parking ticket contestion.

  • Sec 14.36.020

    14.36.110 temporary signs

  • you're not gonna get your tow money back. plead not guilty on the ticket and go to court. tell the judge there wasn't a no parking sign anywhere in sight. its unlikely that the cop who issued the ticket is going to show up. i don't know think finding the law is going to help too much, unless the signs are still there and you can take pictures and measurements.

    if the cop does show up, i'd put him on the stand and ask him questions about where the specific sign was located. he's not going to remember.

  • it doesnt help at all. it just says you have to do what the sign says.

  • Don't be tempted to do a hearing by mail. The court will not even look at your statement or photos and will decide against you claiming "not enough evidence was presented".

    In NYC, any sign within two corners constitutes adequate signage, which is ridiculous considering that parking regulations can change 5 or 6 times in any given block. Don't know about CA.

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