djsheepdjsheep 3,620 Posts
edited November 2007 in Strut Central


  • i told y'all funk was dead!

  • SyminSymin 999 Posts
    in highschool i had a spanish teacher named Ms. Funk.
    looks like shes doing well

  • I had a Art History teacher in college with the last name Funk, plus I know a girl with the last name Funk. It's actually a pretty common last name, more then you would think..................................not to mention, provides hours of entertainment.

  • SPlDEYSPlDEY Vegas 3,375 Posts
    It's time for some ZOMBIE FUNK YALL!!

    - spidey

  • The name FUNK could have German roots.

    The word steems from the word FUNKE which means spark.

    A lot of names come from the things or jobs people do.

    I dont know it but it could be that these people with the name FUNKE where charcoal burners which was a relative common job in the days before central heating.

    Defenetley they had something to do with fire.

    Through the times and genrations some families lost the E which made them to FUNK.

    FUNK also has another meaning in German.

    Its the genus for radio airwaves, transmitting and so on. We even call the communication through CB = Citizens Band "CB-Funk".

    The Police got walkie talkies and we call them "Funkgeraete". If you listen to police radio we call it "Polizei Funk".

    Portable radio was once called in Germany a "Rund-Funk-Geraet".

    A radio controlled clock is called "Funk-Uhr" in German.

    There is a TV guide which started out as guide for radio programs. Back than it was also called Funk uhr. Beacuse it tells you the time when your favourite program is on.

    A military radio operator or signal man is called in German "FUNKER"

    This comes from the beginning years of wireless telegraphy, when there still were electrical generated sparks you could see while transmitting.

    So seeing these FUNKEN (sparks) made up all the other usage of the word FUNKE.

    And if your last name is FUNK you can build up a really nice firm like Dieter Funk did.

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