Multitrack mixing on my MacBook?

mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,025 Posts
edited November 2007 in Strut Central
For years, I've used an external, digital 4-track to make my mixtapes but I figure - I have a fairly powerful laptop and I end up mastering the mix from my 4-track to my laptop anyway so why not cut out the middle man? Any recommendations on software? I don't think I need something as powerful as pro tools and frankly, I want something with a really easy learning curve. The main feature is that I need to be able to able to punch in on a separate track while still listening to the existing tracks; I've found that this isn't possible with Garageband (at least, not when I tried it a couple of years back) nor with Soundstudio 3, my usual sound editing software.Any suggestions? One complicating factor (maybe) is that I might want to simultaneously run Microwave while doing all this. Thanks!


  • I use Cubase LE for basic multi-track recording. It comes free with some of the USB interfaces (I got mine with a Tascam US-122, though I'm not sure that Tascam's newer version, the US-122L comes with any software.)

    Anyway, it's pretty simple to use and definitely allows for "punching-in" and monitoring with an interface. I don't use Microwave ... does it use a Firewire interface? If so, you'd want a USB audio interface as I believe you only have one Firewire port (I only have one on my MacBook Pro).

    The less expensive interfaces tend to be 2 channel. Do you ever need to record more than 2 channels at once? That's when things start to get a bit pricey.

  • SPlDEYSPlDEY Vegas 3,375 Posts
    This isn't going to be a popular answer, but it's actually what I've been using on my Laptop. I have a Windows laptop and a 16 track firewire interface. I've been using Cubase and Nuendo, but they have been Bloated and shitty. Most of the time not working with my mixer. I've been playing around with this program, and it's probably the best thing i've used on my laptop. It's only 3 mb big and it has to be seen to be believed.

    I don't think the OSX version is officially out yet. Though, I'd look into it.

    - spidey

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,025 Posts
    Good looking out. I downloaded the alpha version and this is already looking pretty straight.

    This isn't going to be a popular answer, but it's actually what I've been using on my Laptop. I have a Windows laptop and a 16 track firewire interface. I've been using Cubase and Nuendo, but they have been Bloated and shitty. Most of the time not working with my mixer. I've been playing around with this program, and it's probably the best thing i've used on my laptop. It's only 3 mb big and it has to be seen to be believed.

    I don't think the OSX version is officially out yet. Though, I'd look into it.

    - spidey
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