Trying to find a Image (betty davis related)
370 Posts
Allright clon if you must. I'm looking for the picture that was on the cover of the hanging out in hollywood cd release. But, I'm looking for the version without the letters and stuff accross it. I have a feeling it's on the back of they same I'm different- I dont know for sure my copy is without a proper sleeve. I found only one tiny picture on the whole interwebs and I need something a little bit better. I was thinking of putting this thread in the wants section because I'll pay pal someone like $3 for a decent scan.
and judging by the file name, I might be right about where it's from...
This is the picture on the back cover of her album "They Say I'm Different." The OG has the LP name and track titles next to her head, though. The colors are far more vibrant, but the image is cropped from the full shot.