::::::::EUROSTRUT 2007::::::::
5,518 Posts
OK guys, this is what we came up with, Dinner before hand, so PM NZshadow or Fej Melba and we will add you to the list.any questions PM Fej Melba or NZshadow and we will let you know the details, otherwise just turn up on the night.And remember: if you want in on the bartab: you have to bring records.
wtf is this doing buried in the announcements tho? Pls to make this a stickie on the frontpage!
looks dope, who is coming? Why is this not in cdr? I definetely wanna make it, but the problem is I am djing in switzerland on friday and i am (hopefully if the fuckin train strike is not messin with my plans) back from switzerland at the dutch border in my hometown at 6. Then I have to repack all those vg 80's hits german pressing 45's for all that euroballerraer and am ready to leave for the dam. Any German/Dutch strutters that might drive through to pick me up? That would be superbe!!!! Really, if someone from Cologne/Frankfurt/whatever German area is going, i am located directly at the border, so no extra way involved!!
If someone's there, send me a message and lets do this!! Hopefully I'll make it and good looking to nz and fej for organizing this!!! Now bump that again on the crate diggin forum!!!