who watched the debate?

keithvanhornkeithvanhorn 3,855 Posts
edited October 2007 in Strut Central
i think obama is offically done. he hyped himself to the nyt this past week, saying he was gonna take on hillary....and if that was his "fight mode" last night, he needs some more training, or a set of nuts.the truth, however, could be that he is really just a moderate democrat, so its hard for him to criticize hillary for veering towards the middle, when he would and has done the same. hillary should have been crucified for her vote to call the iranian revolutionary guard a "terrorist organization". the resolution was drafted by the gop and basically legitimizes bush's war propaganda. edwards won the debate, imo, because he nailed her on her vote, as well as other areas where she has strayed from democratic principles. obama couldn't really say much because he conveniently avoided the vote on iran. i really have nothing against obama, but its amazing to me that he is getting so much support from liberals. he is not a left wing candidate, not even close. btw, hillary deserves major credit for the way she was able to take all those hits last night and keep swinging. she's gotta be the strongest dem or republican on stage since her husband. kucinich and biden had the best zingers. that rudy line will be played over and over again. so true.


  • pcmrpcmr 5,591 Posts

    kucinich and biden had the best zingers. that rudy line will be played over and over again. so true.

    i wish i could have watched this (brazil rel.)

    what was that rudy line...worse candidate evr btw

  • CosmoCosmo 9,768 Posts

    kucinich and biden had the best zingers. that rudy line will be played over and over again. so true.

    i wish i could have watched this (brazil rel.)

    what was that rudy line...worse candidate evr btw

    It was funny, something about "Every Rudy quote is 3 words: a noun, a verb and '911'."

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,901 Posts
    Why was he using Rudy zingers at a Dem's debate? Seems pretty pointless. Everyone he's preaching to is already not going to vote for him. Shouldn't he be focusing on the prize right now? And maybe saving that one for if he ever had to, ya know... Go up against the dude.

    You really thought Obama was the one that came out looking weak?

  • Why was he using Rudy zingers at a Dem's debate? Seems pretty pointless. Everyone he's preaching to is already not going to vote for him. Shouldn't he be focusing on the prize right now? And maybe saving that one for if he ever had to, ya know... Go up against the dude.

    You really thought Obama was the one that came out looking weak?

    yes, if you put things in the right context. obama's people were hyping last night as his coming out party, in terms of the way he was going to take on hillary. the first question of the debate addressed that and obama ducked it, saying that things had been overhyped. if he had balls, he would have said, yes, i'm gonna take her on, and here is why...

    obama dropped the ball and edwards picked it up. he wasn't great through the entire debate, but every time he had a chance to slam hillary, he did, and it was effective.

    if edwards builds momentum i would consider voting for him. right now, i'm riding for hillary, despite the fact that she is much more conservative than i'd like. she will be a good leader. there is no question about it. plus, a woman in office is a great thing.
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