USPS to Italy

billbradleybillbradley You want BBQ sauce? Get the fuck out of my house. 2,896 Posts
edited October 2007 in Strut Central
I sent out a record on October 2nd and just got a PayPal dispute email from the buyer saying he never received it. What is the average time it takes for a record to deliver from the US to Italy? I didn't send it registered mail. Am I pretty much f*cked on this one?


  • shooteralishooterali 1,591 Posts
    Oh man I'm having the same issue right now but with FRANCE.
    I sent out a record on OCTOBER 5th and the guy still hasn't received it.
    I'm afraid he may file a dispute.

    Yes this is BS!!!!

  • billbradleybillbradley You want BBQ sauce? Get the fuck out of my house. 2,896 Posts
    I hope this package magically arrives soon. Out of all of the records I sent out over the past month, this is the only one I can't find the receipt for. And when I went to the post office to get a copy of the customs form I filled out, they couldn't find it. Ain't that a bitch.

  • BelsonBelson 880 Posts
    I never send anything to Italy without insurance....these claims seem to happening all the time. So they have to stump up the additional $30 or so for the tracking number.

    I had a warning recently about m*rcof*nk on GEMM requesting an unusually high amount of cover yourselves

  • billbradleybillbradley You want BBQ sauce? Get the fuck out of my house. 2,896 Posts
    From now on I'll require registered mail for international orders. Live and learn I guess...

  • shooteralishooterali 1,591 Posts
    registered international packages for sure.
    I never do unless the item is over $50 to $100 plus dollars.

  • billbradleybillbradley You want BBQ sauce? Get the fuck out of my house. 2,896 Posts

    My wife sent me this picture from her camera phone on her lunch break today.

    3 months after the buyer in Italy did a chargeback the record was returned to me and left on my front porch. Now I don't have to feel so asshurt over the whole deal. I'm not sure why it was never delivered to begin with but at least I'm not out the $78 and the record.

  • Post deleted by bass_fever

  • Man, I sent a $60 record USPS to Italy a 4-5 months back and after 2 months out of nowhere dude said he hadn't recieved it yet. He tried to fill a dispute, but paypal actually had my back because it was 2 months past. After 3 months dude give me positive feedback and said that he just recieved the record

    I sent a record USPS to France a couple monts back and dude still hasn't recieved it...He won the dispute even though I had copies of all my USPS reciepts and dude even acknoledged that I acutally sent the record. Now I'm $200 dollars in the hole with paypal. I'm never sending anything over $50 to France or Italy again without registered mail. This is BS! I wish someone from France or Italy would speak on this situation, because I have sent records everywhere else in the world with out any problems, it just seems to be these 2 countries!

  • hcrinkhcrink 8,729 Posts
    Actual satellite photo of a plane full of records bound for Italy.

  • billbradleybillbradley You want BBQ sauce? Get the fuck out of my house. 2,896 Posts
    Actual satellite photo of a plane full of records bound for Italy.


  • hcrinkhcrink 8,729 Posts
    It's definitely a good idea of have anything of significance registered to Italy. It's weird, I don't remember so much trouble in the past, but tons of of stuff seems to go missing these days.

  • The real culprit here is the USPS - "First Class International" has basically taken the price, and method, of airmail and combined it with the reliability and stability of surface.

  • hcrinkhcrink 8,729 Posts
    The real culprit here is the USPS - "First Class International" has basically taken the price, and method, of airmail and combined it with the reliability and stability of surface.

  • JustAliceJustAlice 1,308 Posts
    I recently found out that Fedex handles all USPS express, priority and I assume even international because USPS does not have any aircraft. Its not really relevant but it never occurred to me that they didn't have a fleet.

    Anyways, when I first started ebaying I sent a sealed copy of a RBL Posse LP to Germany that dude said he never got. Almost 6 months later of fighting with guy and posting here about how pissed I was about it, it showed up on my doorstep un-opened and un-claimed. I thought for sure dude was scamming because from what I could tell he had been doing it to other folks for awhile. I had left him a negative the day before it was dropped off at my door step and they same day I made a post about it. I refunded his money, pulled the neg and blocked him from buying from me. I'm still convinced he was guilty of fraud in other cases but karma kind of caught up with him on the RBL Posse. Kinda like Crying Wolf.

    But it was none the less shocking to get something back from around the world almost 6 months later. Unharmed.

    I re-listed it and and sold it for like 20 bucks more than what he paid ($30)

    on a side note we just sold another copy of the same record for $70.

  • shooteralishooterali 1,591 Posts
    hmmm. I sold a guy in italy a record and he got it last week. I didn't register the thing! I think it depends on what city you're sending the package to.Now France I had one problem which ended in a refund. A seller I sold to in France had the same problem with Italy.

  • hcrinkhcrink 8,729 Posts
    I don't register everything I send to Italy because it's expensive and an ENORMOUS hassle, but if it's a few hundred dollars worth of records it's definitely worthwhile.

  • tuneuptuneup 586 Posts
    with the state of the postal system in Italy and the supposed trucking issues they are having there, I like many folks will not sell an item to either Italy or France without extra super duper registered service. I'm out too much in the way of chargebacks. F#$% PAYPAL and their shite system as well by the way.

  • PABLOPABLO 1,921 Posts

    Does the box smell like corrupt I-talians?

    "I'lla getta you RBL Posse nexta time, icehole!"

  • Btw I have been swatting zero feedback bidders like flies, I must have blocked/deleted 20+ bids on just a handful of items this go-round... I complained to eBay this morning about having to micromanage my auctions and they said that they were going to roll out some "solution" but that they were not at liberty to tell me... yet.

  • Everything I'm sending to Italy (and Russia too) is going registered now. I don't care if it's only a $10 record. Sick of getting these "Where my package is!!!!!!!!" emails.

  • last batch of ebay auctions....4 paypal disputes. $500 for a 12" to germany, over 1 month later he finally gets it. 2 12"s to italy $300 same deal..then both are dropped because they finally showed up.
    i told the buyers to thank the italian postal service..which they replied are very aware.

    what is the method of shipping where you can actually trace the overseas package and get somewhere ?
    like the buyer must sign ..c.o.d style so you have actual proof.

  • fed ex.

  • mylatencymylatency 10,475 Posts

    what is the method of shipping where you can actually trace the overseas package and get somewhere ?
    like the buyer must sign ..c.o.d style so you have actual proof.

    Registered and Express
    Fedex and UPS, too

  • The only problem I've ever had selling records on eBay was with a record I sold to a guy in Italy. The guy received the record but it was broken. It's the only time I've ever had a record break. I mean, I use LP mailers and pack 'em in there pretty good so it's hard to imagine how much the thing would have to have been tossed around in order to break. It ain't like I was shipping a fragile 78! The only thing worse than dealing with an eBay transaction gone bad is a transaction gone bad with somebody who doesn't speak very good English.

  • PABLOPABLO 1,921 Posts
    My last Italian shipment was mailed October 8th, received by the winner November 29th.

  • You know just to be fair, I am currently most vexed by a chargeback case with a buyer in the UK, who had a CONFIRMED address, who - based on his angry, all-caps, rambling, twice-a-day emails - I am pretty sure did NOT, actually, receive his record.

  • spelunkspelunk 3,400 Posts
    You know, despite the apparent vast incompetence of the post office staff here, I have never ever had a problem with USPS other than long lines.

    Part of this has got to be BS buyers trying to manipulate sellers, and the other part seems to be caused by a garbage postal system. The U.K. system is based on effing landmarks as if it were the 18th century.

    German buyers and postal service is really good though, props to them.

    I just had someone from Italy win an auction. I have had success in the past but I'm crossing my fingers on this one.

  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts
    a bit of perspective from the UK....

    I am still waiting on items bought in early to mid December from US sellers.
    No show.
    In the meantime, records have been flying in from all over the effing world

    How can packages take 4 days from Japan or Australia, and from US (by and large) at least 3 weeks?

    They're both on the other side of the world as far as I am concerned.
    So I'm 6,7,8 weeks down the line and can't afford to throw away 500 dollars....
    I definitely think twice about buying from America now; unless it's a truly seldom seen item then I will wait for a piece from Asia or Europe to raise its head.

  • a bit of perspective from the UK....

    I am still waiting on items bought in early to mid December from US sellers.
    No show.
    In the meantime, records have been flying in from all over the effing world

    How can packages take 4 days from Japan or Australia, and from US (by and large) at least 3 weeks?

    They're both on the other side of the world as far as I am concerned.
    So I'm 6,7,8 weeks down the line and can't afford to throw away 500 dollars....
    I definitely think twice about buying from America now; unless it's a truly seldom seen item then I will wait for a piece from Asia or Europe to raise its head.

    Like I said, I have a package mailed December 10th still not show up to a CONFIRMED address in the UK.

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,025 Posts
    Have things gotten better re: shipping to Italy? I've been selling a slew of 12"s to France without a hitch (*fingers crossed*) but got my first buyer in Italy today for a $90 single.

    Insuring it is a no-brainer, since that only runs me $1.40 but what do I do regarding sending it express (with tracking) or normal first class int'l? Since we're talking the diff b/t $12 vs. $30 in shipping costs, I'd feel weird either passing the costs directly to the buyer or absorbing them all myself.
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