plastic bag strut

sabadabadasabadabada 5,966 Posts
edited October 2007 in Strut Central
so here in new york they want to crack down on plastic bags. why dont they just attach a nickle deposit to plastic bags and earmark the money from uncollected deposits to cleaning up the discarded ones.if i were mayor, i'd solve that problem


  • I tried to go green with big paper bags at the shop, for a few months... almost unanimously dissed, I'm back to plastic bags with reinforced handles.

  • sabadabadasabadabada 5,966 Posts
    but i think a good plastic bag like that, people keep and use again. The real culprits are the grocery bags.

  • but i think a good plastic bag like that, people keep and use again. The real culprits are the grocery bags.

    Them shits require like a gallon of water to make and are completely useless except to pick up dogshit with.

  • jleejlee 1,539 Posts
    I've ranted about this before, but most of this extra plastic bag shit is just based off pure wastefulness by the deli's and restaurants here.

    Back in texas, if i went to a convenient store and bought a can a coke, the only shit i would walk out with is that can of coke. In nyc, before you get your change back, the dude behind the counter has already put you coke can in a brown paper bag, a plastic bag over your brown bag, and also has provided you with a straw and some napkins.

    if these dudes just didn't bag shit unless you requested it, that would save a ton of waste. don't these dudes know they can also save money by not giving out all that shit.

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,901 Posts
    A few major grocery stores here have gone totally bagless. I suspect many more to come.

  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts
    but i think a good plastic bag like that, people keep and use again. The real culprits are the grocery bags.

    Them shits require like a gallon of water to make and are completely useless except to pick up dogshit with.

    I use them to line my trashcan.

    I got the special brushed-steel trashbag dispenser.

  • white_teawhite_tea 3,262 Posts
    Back in texas, if i went to a convenient store and bought a can a coke, the only shit i would walk out with is that can of coke. In nyc, before you get your change back, the dude behind the counter has already put you coke can in a brown paper bag, a plastic bag over your brown bag, and also has provided you with a straw and some napkins.

    But where is my salt and pepper and my spork!

    Seriously, I don't hate the nickle tax on bags. Ikea has a decent thing going like that, about a nickle a plastic bag or for 75 cents you get a huge reusable bag with cloth handles. They are pretty nice -- great for laundry.

    I have a grocery cart and I recycle the plastic.

  • I use reusable nylon bags at the grocery, they come in a little pack with a snap...fits in your pocket...can fit a ton of groceries in the 5 bags.

  • white_teawhite_tea 3,262 Posts
    On the opposite side of the coin is a sub spot out here called Jimmy Johns -- no bags, no nothing. You have to beg them for a napkin.

  • kwalitykwality 620 Posts
    At my girls shop we use calico bags. Easy to reuse and more solid... the only problem is I gotta make them, so I spend many a night crouched over a sewing machine!

  • sabadabadasabadabada 5,966 Posts
    On the opposite side of the coin is a sub spot out here called Jimmy Johns -- no bags, no nothing. You have to beg them for a napkin.

    I was in San Antonio for work and went to this place Billy Miller's Bar B Q and you would get this big soggy shredded brisket bbq sandwich, just giant and unmanageable and falling apart, and in the bag would be one single napkin like the little kind that comes out of a dispenser at a pizzeria.

  • ElectrodeElectrode Los Angeles 3,091 Posts
    It's so stupid when grocery stores, liquor stores or to-go/fast food places quadruple bag and include a three inch stack of napkins for the most insignificant items. I always get a weird look from the cashier whenever I ask for no bag at all. Sometimes they ignore my request all together. I'm no enviro-nazi, but the casual excessive wastefulness pisses me off. Junk mail should be phased out, as well.

  • DrJoelDrJoel 932 Posts
    Sometimes there's just so much beauty in the world......i feel like i can't take it.

  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts
    Sometimes there's just so much beauty in the world......i feel like i can't take it.

    Was this observation provoked by my description of my special brushed steel trashbag dispenser?

  • ScottScott 420 Posts
    I got the special brushed-steel trashbag dispenser.

    Same here. Eliminated the need for a cabinet full of loose plastic bags. Worth its weight in gold (or brushed steel).

  • I worked nights at a convenience store briefly - and found if you phrase it "would you like a plastic bag that will eventually end up clogging some poor turtles digestive system - EVERYONE would say no.

    Then again - should we be protecting something dumb enough to eat a plastic bag? Isn't that darwinism in effect? People try to tell me they think its a jellyfish but a) thats still stupid and b) what possible value is there in eating a jellyfish?

  • kwalitykwality 620 Posts
    Ever so slightly off topic, but I was reading something the other day that was pretty critical of Darwinism, because of its close ties to capitalism. It kind of makes sense if you think about it.

    I've yet to hear a better alternative though. Maybe something more forgiving? I like turtles, so I'll ride for them and stay away from plastic bags.

  • GnatGnat 1,183 Posts
    Sometimes there's just so much beauty in the world......i feel like i can't take it.

    Was this observation provoked by my description of my special brushed steel trashbag dispenser?

    No just simple, American Beauty...

  • vajdaijvajdaij 447 Posts
    Junk mail should be phased out, as well.

    Looks like total mail volume is already decreasing.

  • Ever so slightly off topic, but I was reading something the other day that was pretty critical of Darwinism, because of its close ties to capitalism. It kind of makes sense if you think about it.

    I've yet to hear a better alternative though. Maybe something more forgiving? I like turtles, so I'll ride for them and stay away from plastic bags.

    Yeah I've read something about that too. I also love turtles, I just find the idea of something knowingly chowing on a jellyfish funny.

  • kwalitykwality 620 Posts
    Yeah, I'm pretty sure not even Steve Irwin would mess with a jellyfish. They're just not good for anyone. Although if Darwins right, and the turtles die, then there'll be noone at all to thin out their numbers.

    Never mind lizard people, I'm worried about jellyfish now!
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