Haha.It's only right, there's some gold on that thread.
yes, dude is a trip. why not
Can't front on Soulstrut. Either way I pretty much run them both.
yes, dude is a trip. why not we could work out a trade.
yes, dude is a trip. why not we could work out a trade. the forum draft fall 07!
I see someone on there has taken my avatar. I feel used.
I only went on soulstrut once to talk shit to some fuck wadd who was up in arms about me slandering Jazz on turntable lab... so i dont really know anyway just taking a guess....
It's only right, there's some gold on that thread.
Yeah Andy kind of killed it with the "dusty MPC" thing.
Holler: Breaks corny bmore remixes of tired wedding songs, and gets dap in hipster blogs.
we could work out a trade.
the forum draft fall 07!
you know who i want.