Rare Equations cover question
711 Posts
The (bootleg?) re-issue of Cut Chemist's Rare Equations that you are (were) able to easily pick up everywhere had this cover:Am I right to assume that this was only the cover for the bootleg?I have found one Japanese website showing this cover: Sorry, it's not very big but you can see that it actally says "Cutinclass" at the bottom. Am I right that this is a re-issue as well?Now, I wonder whether I can establish whether have an original. I bought my copy in the OC, I believe in 2002, maybe earlier. It shows the image the japanese website uses minus that red logo on the right side. It says "Cut Chemist" at the top and "Rare Equations" at the bottom of the photo (instead of "Cuttinclass"). Beneath this it says "Hip Hop Vibes" and vertically "HHV". To the left of the image it again says vertically "Cut Chemist" and to the right "(Z=Rare Equations)?". The back cover has some tracklisting and the two discs are CDRs with white laels stickered on. at the top it says "Cut Chemist" and at the bottom "Rare Equations". It says "Disc 1" on the right and "Disc 2" on the left side of the respective discs.Maybe the give away though is that on Disc 2, after "Jackin' Bruce" it features "Cut Chemist takes Westwood Hostage on Capitol FM" which does not seem to be on the blue covered issue shown above.Any knowledge here regarding this release?
Sounds like yours might be the low-budge OG and this one is a later official reish/repackage.
the 2nd pic is the OG cover. I was in LA during that time, and a good friend got a copy of the tape from Cut personally and that was the cover.