How to replace an Arm Clamp on a Tech MK-2?

DB_CooperDB_Cooper Manhatin' 7,823 Posts
edited October 2007 in Strut Central
I've scoured the interwebs, but I can't find anything. I have the replacement arm clamp, but it didn't come with any sort of instructions. I'm guessing I'll need a certain size allen wrench, perhaps?Please to help. I feel pretty stupid just looking at the broken one, then looking at the new part in my hand, then looking back at the broken one while scratching my head like a confused monkey.


  • djkingottodjkingotto 1,704 Posts
    i've never changed that myself. i would think once you start taking it apart it should become apparent how to replace it. you might have to go in through the bottom to get to some of the screws.... not sure though, good luck.

  • JimBeamJimBeam Seattle. 2,012 Posts
    the screw that secures it is on the underside of the base, hanging off the tonearm assembly. either have a small, right-angled phillips (electronics shops have phillips attachments for rachets, but they're hard to find that small) and more patience than mankind was intended to have, or remove the tonearm completely from the turntable to access the screw.
    Or say "fuck it", break off the old one with a pair of pliers and superglue the new one on. (it's an old industry secret)
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