F*CK my Paypal Account Just Got Hacked

spelunkspelunk 3,400 Posts
edited October 2007 in Strut Central
Advice peoples. I wake up this morning and find out that some cockmonger has jacked $690 from my Paypal Account all of the sudden. If anyone else has had this happen, let me know how to proceed. Any help is really greatly appreciated. This BS is not cool in the slightest.I already changed my password and am restoring account access right now.Someone hit me with that Paypal phone number if possible.


  • Advice peoples. I wake up this morning and find out that some cockmonger has jacked $690 from my Paypal Account all of the sudden. If anyone else has had this happen, let me know how to proceed. Any help is really greatly appreciated. This BS is not cool in the slightest.

    I already changed my password and am restoring account access right now.

    Someone hit me with that Paypal phone number if possible.

    weeee! get ready for some serious fun my friend...

    this is part of the reason I don't do ebay anymore (becaue of Paypal)...my account got hacked for like $1800 a few years ago...I had like $1300 in my account...which they took out right away...and left me with a negative balance...

    they tried to get the remainder out of my checking account, and subsequently caused over 13 overdraft fees (thankfully I didn't have enough in the account, otherwise it would have gone through no problem..)..

    now, here is where the fun part begins (and by fun I mean...this is why I HATE paypal)...I had to report it as fraud (my bank took care of me right away...paypal is a different story)...paypal put all of my money on hold (including the $1300 I had already in there...which was mine to begin with)...they put the account on hold for a month...I think...and I had to prove that it was fake! Even though someone had set up a fake email, and it was obvious...there was a lot of red tape...

    now, if you want my advice...your conversation with paypal should start out with calling the fraud dept...and...saying the following "I would like to speak to your manager"...because most of the dumb fucks who work for them...won't help/don't help/can't help....

    just know...you won't see the problem changing any time soon...

    on top of that Paypal has let someone outright steal $650 from me (saying they never got a record)...and they let someone get a refund for 2 different packages...sent within a 2 week span of each other...and they gave this guy the refund for BOTH...even though I have a high percentage of positive feedback, had had done ebay for years, made them money, recommended them, and was a power seller....did any of that matter? nope...they gave him BOTH refunds...even though it was 2 seperate packages, and I had emails going back and forth between us, and receipts from when I sent them both...no deal (I needed to have sent it through EMS with a tracking #...otherwise...it always goes to the buyer...never the seller)....

    my advice...talk to a manager at paypal's fraud dept....oh, and since it's under I think $3,000...they won't do much of anything...and police, etc. won't get involved......

  • kalakala 3,362 Posts
    spleunk do you have a PC or a MAC?
    I know mac are harder to hack[but not by much]
    I would have thought there would have been more of a response to this thread since so many people on the strut MAKE money using paypal
    Once again this shows how transparent email/internet security really is and how much paypal not only sucks,but is not up to the "real world "standard of online banking and security issues.

    I am starting a new paypal account with no overdraft and an alert system/withdrawl limit ASAP.
    I hope you get all of your money back dude
    Also I never hear of this type of scamboogery happening with regular banks-and f it does the bank will never screw the customer in identity theft/lost wallett/debit card situations
    but I have heard many horror stories of "frozen" paypal accts or "lost" money ,stolen money,or the ever present chargeback debacle for record sellers
    paypal always has an excuse to fuck the little guy over
    as if "under 3000"dollars doesn't matter

  • http://www.paypalsucks.com/

    if only more sellers were familiar with google checkout.

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,025 Posts
    My guess is that Spelunk's computer had little to do with it - there's been a recent spate of fake paypal email messages about "resolving a dispute" that asks for people to input their paypal info. All they need is the password and email and VOILA, you're hacked.

    Sorry to hear it man - hope Paypal will sort you out right.

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,025 Posts
    I'm not defending paypal or their practices but seriously - aren't these problems pretty tiny exceptions to an overall record of reliability? Is google checkout infalliable?

  • Is google checkout infalliable?

    nothing is full proof i would guess. but i have yet to hear horror stories (including my own) about google checkout that i've heard about paypal .

  • So how are these paypal hacks happening? Did you guys fall for phishing scams?

  • spelunkspelunk 3,400 Posts
    So how are these paypal hacks happening? Did you guys fall for phishing scams?

    No, that's the thing, I never ever open spam, respond to it or anything. I have a Mac too. I'm quite confused as to how this came about, and I'm going to bother Paypal until they give me details on who is pulling the scam. I have noticed that I've been getting bombarded with Spam recently though, some of it has got past the gmail blocker too, which didn't ever used to happen. Damnit internet, why you gotta play me out like that?

    Luckily I caught it within hours of it happening, so Paypal has frozen the transaction and it never hit my bank account (I called Wells Fargo and they haven't seen any record). Which means that the only consequence (hopefully) is that my Paypal account is frozen for awhile, which is probably a good thing given my recent record expenditures

    Thanks for the advice OM, your story sounds really awful. This is exactly why I NEVER keep any money in my Paypal account - you have much more leverage if the money is coming from the bank, because they are on your side. I'm going to call Paypal tomorrow and make it quite clear that I mean business about getting this resolved.

  • Good luck man. Let us know how it turns out and if you find out how they got access. Could it have anything to do with Wifi intercepts? I don't realy know how that stuff works from a security standpoint.

  • So how are these paypal hacks happening? Did you guys fall for phishing scams?

    No, that's the thing, I never ever open spam, respond to it or anything. I have a Mac too. I'm quite confused as to how this came about, and I'm going to bother Paypal until they give me details on who is pulling the scam. I have noticed that I've been getting bombarded with Spam recently though, some of it has got past the gmail blocker too, which didn't ever used to happen. Damnit internet, why you gotta play me out like that?

    Luckily I caught it within hours of it happening, so Paypal has frozen the transaction and it never hit my bank account (I called Wells Fargo and they haven't seen any record). Which means that the only consequence (hopefully) is that my Paypal account is frozen for awhile, which is probably a good thing given my recent record expenditures

    Thanks for the advice OM, your story sounds really awful. This is exactly why I NEVER keep any money in my Paypal account - you have much more leverage if the money is coming from the bank, because they are on your side. I'm going to call Paypal tomorrow and make it quite clear that I mean business about getting this resolved.

    ditto...have a mac, and didnt do any sort of spotty website, etc...they created an email account with my name...and somehow got into the system and my password and everything were the same...so, I don't kow how it happened, but I know it's happened to a few people I konw...and too many to be a few...actually..

    no problem on the advice...I just hate to see/hear about others getting the paypal shaft (funny that they are quick to say they aren't affiliated with ebay...when you bring up things like power seller, etc.)...like I said though...I would start out saying "can I please speak to your manager"...and hold to that...haha...get more results that way with em..

  • if only more sellers were familiar with google checkout.

    isn't it banned by ebay?

  • if only more sellers were familiar with google checkout.

    isn't it banned by ebay?


  • thats exactly why i will never F with paypal.

  • KineticKinetic 3,739 Posts
    thats exactly why i will never F with paypal.

    The oddball first posts just get better and better.

  • ZachDZachD 318 Posts
    Advice peoples. I wake up this morning and find out that some cockmonger has jacked $690 from my Paypal Account all of the sudden. If anyone else has had this happen, let me know how to proceed. Any help is really greatly appreciated. This BS is not cool in the slightest.

    I already changed my password and am restoring account access right now.

    Someone hit me with that Paypal phone number if possible.

    What is/was your ebay user name?

    "According to the youtube video it seems as though only those with usernames starting with a,b,j,k were effected."

    There seems to be some dispute if there was really a breach or not. /. threads go on for days though so I couldn't get to the end.

  • spelunkspelunk 3,400 Posts
    Advice peoples. I wake up this morning and find out that some cockmonger has jacked $690 from my Paypal Account all of the sudden. If anyone else has had this happen, let me know how to proceed. Any help is really greatly appreciated. This BS is not cool in the slightest.

    I already changed my password and am restoring account access right now.

    Someone hit me with that Paypal phone number if possible.

    What is/was your ebay user name?

    "According to the youtube video it seems as though only those with usernames starting with a,b,j,k were effected."

    There seems to be some dispute if there was really a breach or not. /. threads go on for days though so I couldn't get to the end.

    Yeah I don't think my problem is related, but it was still nutty to see that many people's info get out in the open like that.

  • rain103rain103 476 Posts
    been there fam. shit is WACK.

  • pjl2000xlpjl2000xl 1,795 Posts
    thats some ol bullshit. I always withdraw my account via my paypal debit card when it hits a hundo.

  • luckluck 4,077 Posts
    thats exactly why i will never F with paypal.

    Brian, if you're from Wheaton, IL, then know this: I know you better than you know yourself.

  • Let us know if you/they figure out how this happened(the hack). I'd be interested in knowing.

  • thats exactly why i will never F with paypal.

    Brian, if you're from Wheaton, IL, then know this: I know you better than you know yourself.

    for real?

  • Like told somewhere on the thread, the best way to avoid being robbed on paypal account is to take the money off the account as soon and often as possible!

  • rain103rain103 476 Posts
    Like told somewhere on the thread, the best way to avoid being robbed on paypal account is to take the money off the account as soon and often as possible!

    question... so even if your paypal account is at $0.00. can they still access your bank account via the paypal connection??

  • spelunkspelunk 3,400 Posts
    Like told somewhere on the thread, the best way to avoid being robbed on paypal account is to take the money off the account as soon and often as possible!

    question... so even if your paypal account is at $0.00. can they still access your bank account via the paypal connection??

    Yes, this is what I found out the hard way.

    For those who are interested in the result here, after I thought that I had caught the transaction in time, the robot morons at Paypal still allowed the transaction to go through and hit my bank account, causing overdraft charges left and right. Thankfully Wells Fargo is real good with their fraud support, and told me that even if Paypal doesn't refund my money (which they have now) that Wells Fargo would be on my side and get it back from them. THAT'S WHAT A REAL BANK DOES.

    Last question - does anyone know if there's a way to make it so that funds cannot be withdrawn from a bank account from your Paypal account (i.e. for the transfer to happen they must be sent from the bank, not requested from the Paypal account.)? I am sufficiently shook that I don't want to take any risks here.

  • bull_oxbull_ox 5,056 Posts
    Last question - does anyone know if there's a way to make it so that funds cannot be withdrawn from a bank account from your Paypal account (i.e. for the transfer to happen they must be sent from the bank, not requested from the Paypal account.)? I am sufficiently shook that I don't want to take any risks here.

    I mean, you have to have it connected to either a bank acct or credit card and PP is gonna do what they want when they want from there... its just all kinds of fucked up the amount of control they exercise with such little oversight...

  • hcrinkhcrink 8,729 Posts
    Best thing you can do is to have a seperate bank account set up just for paypal... and don't keep money in it.

  • So then what happens when Paypal can't get at the money they feel they have a right to? Wouldn't they suspend your account? And if you're selling on an ongoing basis then you're really fucked. Lose-lose scenario.

  • hcrinkhcrink 8,729 Posts
    So then what happens when Paypal can't get at the money they feel they have a right to? Wouldn't they suspend your account? And if you're selling on an ongoing basis then you're really fucked. Lose-lose scenario.

    I just figure if anything goes wrong with paypal you're probably fucked no matter what.

  • LamontLamont 1,089 Posts
    Got the "We have reason to believe that your account was accessed by a third party." mail moments ago. My paypal account is linked to my Visa which is linked to my bankaccount. I get the feeling I can get completely stripped any minute now. Anyone has experience with Visa helping out with paypal frauds ?

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