dayday 9,611 Posts
edited September 2007 in Strut Central
I know some of you are up on this so maybe you can help me out. I've had this record for years now and still don't know a damn thing about it. I found it in a storage unit in the middle of nowhere. While I was digging I watched the owner randomly grab this out of a pile and ask me if I like Phase III. I had no idea what he was talking about, but when I put it on I knew the answer.It's a mini-LP out of L.A. that was financially backed (I assume) by George Youngblood, former Defensive Back for the Chicago Bears who "obviously prefers music over Football". That's about all I know. I once went to a certain L.A. Strutter's house for a party and brought my other copy as a gift. When I went to give it to him he thanked me, then proceeded to tell me no thanks "I already have a box of them".


  • I once went to a certain L.A. Strutter's house for a party and brought my other copy as a gift. When I went to give it to him he thanked me, then proceeded to tell me no thanks "I already have a box of them".

    Gee... I wonder who that was

  • sticky_dojahsticky_dojah New York City. 2,136 Posts
    I know some of you are up on this so maybe you can help me out.
    I've had this record for years now and still don't know a damn thing about it.

    Meeting of the conceptthreadminds. Please report to my other thread, Day

    That record looks dope, no doubt!

  • yeah...I found a box of those a few years ago...

    and I was buying em off of Ebay for a minute...for super that shit!

  • I got mine from Nathan, but have since found a couple in IL. I actually just listened to it this week for the first time in about a year, good chit.

  • I got mine from Nathan, but have since found a couple in IL. I actually just listened to it this week for the first time in about a year, good chit.

    I love that they can be "sealed" with that green tape...shit is federal...
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