SF: RAER appearance by DJ Authentic Weds. @ Milk

DJ Authentic[/b] is our special guest this week at Wax Wednesdays.Every Wednesday night at Milk it's all '80s and '90s hip-hop (the good shit, not the same ol' shit) on (what?) VINYL.
http://www.vinylexchange.com/wax <<---Check my mix for a taste of what we've been playing.http://www.myspace.com/waxwedsCome down and support! (Or dance, drink, or heckle me, or whatever.) Holler for guest list.

And Wax is cancelled until further notice. (Club owners rule!)
Wax too?!?! what happened? that guy in the picture looks cute. i would kick it to him.
boo this man......
that sucks!
But to pre-empt DJ Authentic is inexcusable! He'll be back.