Smooth Move | SAT 9/15 in Brooklyn

<img src="">This season's final installment for SMOOTH MOVEwith Soul Korea and El Sailsmore & empanadamn (of HATERZVILLE)The perfect post-brunch/pre-party way to the end of summer. Straight classic light & soft jams from yesteryear accompanied by food, drink, and friends. at Hope Lounge | 10 Hope St. (between Roebling & Havemeyer in W'burg, BK)3-9PM | FREE! | http://www.hopelounge.comFood & dranks specials abound!
(For some reason I can't embed or post flyers here)
i'm glad i'm not the only one. i like to play a little game called "get faded and then try to remember my set."
good times.