prince paul

edith headedith head 5,106 Posts
edited August 2007 in Strut Central
i love him but can see why folks would be discuss


  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    i love him but can see why folks would be



  • edith headedith head 5,106 Posts
    because his of his sampling style?

    and also because watched my vhs of stetsaonic on an episode of dr. ruth tonight. :soft:?

  • deejdeej 5,125 Posts
    i have never considered him a favorite producer
    as a party dj the few times i've seen him he had that energy

  • SoulOnIceSoulOnIce 13,027 Posts
    stetsaonic on an episode of dr. ruth


  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    Sampling Style?

    I always felt he changed the game.

    Daddy-O was the dominant producer w/ StetsaSonic.

    Prince Paul open the doors for ATCQ.

    GraveDiggaz sampling style is questionable?

    I do think he is worthy of critique and not nuthugging.

  • an overall great producer that likes to use his sense of humor... sometimes too much... to the point where something just isn't funny anymore. but every album has at least a couple of beats that make the entire listen worth it.

  • dayday 9,611 Posts

    GraveDiggaz sampling style is questionable?

    What was Rza's role tho? I haven't read the liner notes for that album in a long time but I'm guessing dude had a hand in production as well.

  • cascas 1,484 Posts

    GraveDiggaz sampling style is questionable?

    What was Rza's role tho? I haven't read the liner notes for that album in a long time but I'm guessing dude had a hand in production as well.

    i gotta go dig that album back out.

    psychoanalysis had a few super duper slick beats on it. not really feeling the last 2 albums though. has he done any recent shit that i'm not up on? i remeber hearing something a while back that he would be the lone producer of the new hiero album.

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts

    GraveDiggaz sampling style is questionable?

    What was Rza's role tho? I haven't read the liner notes for that album in a long time but I'm guessing dude had a hand in production as well.

    Yes he did. But Ill argue w/ anyone that's Rza production "style" improved after that collabo.

    Shaq n Wade.

  • rza only produced the track "6 feet deep" from that album... prince paul did pretty much the rest of the production.

  • edith headedith head 5,106 Posts
    stetsaonic on an episode of dr. ruth


    yeah they performed "talking all that jazz" to a proto-oprah crowd and the famous "sex shrink" danced and threw her hands in the air which made me shudder and was reallllly uncomfortable to watch!

    i love prince paul and don't have any hangups but it seemed like folks in college really scrutinized his style as "backpacker" because he sampled long bars and wasn't too complex? folks were like "he's overrated" you didn't hear that? especially when timbaland bubble/hiccup production was starting to get getting heavy airplay. i still played it heavily but got the "that's pass?? " ice grill

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    rza only produced the track "6 feet deep" from that album... prince paul did pretty much the rest of the production.

    You cant tell me Prince Paul wasnt influenced by what RZA did w/ the Wu-Tang Productions.

    I dont think the "team up" was done because of The RZA's lyrics.
    And im not questioning his MCin.

  • deejdeej 5,125 Posts
    i would also say i find prince paul's solo albums, while occasionally amusing/enjoyable, pretty zzz for the most part. At least the last time i listened to one which must have been like '02 or something. I just remember wondering when the skits were going to end.

    its interesting to me to think about why it is i'm relatively ambivalent about him as a producer ... i'm appreciative of obvious samples/one track jacks etc. but i feel like if dudes won't ride for the hitmen/trackmasters style why would it get a pass just cuz the dude from de la does it? But of course i'm being hypocritical in the other direction

  • noznoz 3,625 Posts
    yeah they performed "talking all that jazz" to a proto-oprah crowd and the famous "sex shrink" danced and threw her hands in the air which made me shudder and was reallllly uncomfortable to watch!


  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    i would also say i find prince paul's solo albums, while occasionally amusing/enjoyable, pretty zzz for the most part. At least the last time i listened to one which must have been like '02 or something. I just remember wondering when the skits were going to end.


    He pretty much pulled off an entire Skit Lp w/ the Prince Among Thieves joker.

    Name some kids even tryin shit like this in this day.

    Verse Chorus Verse Rap = whateva.....sour old bat

  • cascas 1,484 Posts
    yeah they performed "talking all that jazz" to a proto-oprah crowd and the famous "sex shrink" danced and threw her hands in the air which made me shudder and was reallllly uncomfortable to watch!


    there was a vhs that came out a while back called "the white label vhs" or something like that that had a good amount of shit like this.

    Eric B & Rakim - Live @ The Apollo Theater
    Boogie Down Productions - Live on The Arsenio Hall Show
    Digable Planets - Live @ MTV Spring Break
    Stetsasonic - Live on What's Up Dr. Ruth?
    Mobb Deep - Live on Teen Summit
    Big Daddy Kane - Live on Soul Train
    De La Soul - Live on The Arsenio Hall Show

    if you watch the mobb deep on teen summit part you can catch mya dancing on stage.

    there was supposed to be a part 2, but i never saw the release of it. anyone got it?

  • edith headedith head 5,106 Posts

    GraveDiggaz sampling style is questionable?

    What was Rza's role tho? I haven't read the liner notes for that album in a long time but I'm guessing dude had a hand in production as well.

    i gotta go dig that album back out.

    psychoanalysis had a few super duper slick beats on it.

    i am listening to psychoanlysis right now! and i can't stop laughing especially because of the false ending on 'booty clap" where he says "let's get ready for part 2!!" but there is no part 2. it's just a drum build up and then it dies. comedy!

  • cascas 1,484 Posts
    the intro
    you made me
    beautiful night &

    are the dope songs on that album to me.

    "he thought i was a happening guy...becuase i look a little weird."

  • edith headedith head 5,106 Posts
    the intro
    you made me
    beautiful night &

    are the dope songs on that album to me.
    "he thought i was a happening guy...becuase i look a little weird."

    you made me = nerdy seduction jawn for me in college. seriously, i think i love prince p because he evolved to be a funny and quirky wtf dude.

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    the intro
    you made me
    beautiful night &

    are the dope songs on that album to me.
    "he thought i was a happening guy...becuase i look a little weird."

    you made me = nerdy seduction jawn for me in college. seriously, i think i love prince p because he evolved to be a funny and quirky wtf dude.

    U didnt get that from Plug Tunin/CoolBrezzeontheRocks?

    Or u got to 3ft high and rising later on?

  • edith headedith head 5,106 Posts
    the intro
    you made me
    beautiful night &

    are the dope songs on that album to me.
    "he thought i was a happening guy...becuase i look a little weird."

    you made me = nerdy seduction jawn for me in college. seriously, i think i love prince p because he evolved to be a funny and quirky wtf dude.

    U didnt get that from Plug Tunin/CoolBrezzeontheRocks?

    Or u got to 3ft high and rising later on?

    nah 3 ft high and rising i incorporated into my senior high school video english final which was fun but accesible. but the later era prince p, psychoanyalsis gravediggaz stuff was wayy darker and messed up but funny still to me when i started to get into the subversive stuff that didn't cross the goth line. prince p came through with well executed dark comedy and that's why i think i still appreciate him

  • scrutinized his style as "backpacker" because he sampled long bars and wasn't too complex? folks were like "he's overrated" you didn't hear that?

    wow. "wasn't too complex?" He does some amazing, complex layering. It's one thing to sample a bunch of random shit and slap it together, but he pieced together some stuff that really had no business being together and it was magic. Two examples that come to mind right now would be "Saturdays" and "I Am I Be." His production is so much fun. I'm actually more of a loop/layering kind of a guy than I am a chopped to oblivion kind of guy, so I like his style.

    I love Prince Paul. I haven't really gone past Prince Among Thieves, but he is one of my favorites.

  • troublemantroubleman 1,928 Posts
    I love Prince Paul. I haven't really gone past Prince Among Thieves, but he is one of my favorites.

    I didn't know he did anything past Prince Amoung Thieves. But I celebrate dude's entire catalogue before that.

  • I agree that some of his solo stuff was a bit weak but De La wouldn't have been as good if it was'nt for ol' boy.Plus he did y'all hear the great shit he did for Chris Rocks comedy albums??.."gotta 40 of pepseye a girl in bedstuy" classicnessss

  • Hotsauce84Hotsauce84 8,450 Posts
    Prince Among Thieves

    I listened to this album while laying in bed with the lights off. It's audio cinema and should be treated as such. Riding around town bumping individual cuts will not do it justice. I REALLY wish Chris Rock would've made a movie out of it like he was supposed to.

    (File under "probably won't ever happen, just like The Broke Diaries movie.")

  • PunditPundit 438 Posts
    The Rise and Fall of the Dix is

  • DJ_EnkiDJ_Enki 6,475 Posts
    I'm actually more of a loop/layering kind of a guy than I am a chopped to oblivion kind of guy, so I like his style.

    I love Prince Paul. I haven't really gone past Prince Among Thieves, but he is one of my favorites.

    I think Paul is the shit. He's definitely had his bricks, but to me, he's one of the best. I love his style, his arrangements, his drums, the whole magilla. But, like edith head, I can see how some people wouldn't dig it.

    As for Paul and RZA...I think Paul influenced RZA more than the other way around. He tells a story (in WaxPo, I think) about meeting RZA at the studio when RZA was doing "Ooh, We Love You Rakeem ," and RZA only had the loop and needed help with the drums, so Paul programmed him a beat thinking it would just be a dummy track and RZA would redo it, but RZA just put it out as-is.

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,799 Posts

    Handsome Boy Modelling School? (at least the s/t LP)
    Really good production, I don't know how much it was directed by the Automator, but the humour on that LP is all Paul.

  • to me, he's one of the best.

  • edith headedith head 5,106 Posts
    scrutinized his style as "backpacker" because he sampled long bars and wasn't too complex? folks were like "he's overrated" you didn't hear that?

    wow. "wasn't too complex?" He does some amazing, complex layering. It's one thing to sample a bunch of random shit and slap it together, but he pieced together some stuff that really had no business being together and it was magic. Two examples that come to mind right now would be "Saturdays" and "I Am I Be." His production is so much fun. I'm actually more of a loop/layering kind of a guy than I am a chopped to oblivion kind of guy, so I like his style.

    wow, you're absolutely right. if only i could've articulated this to the haters then i forgot about I Am I Be! and I love that Lou Rawls song. i need to dust off De La Soul is Dead and Buhloone and give them a listen again.
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