Nascar Strut...

bass_feverbass_fever 974 Posts
edited August 2007 in Strut Central
What strutters originated from rural environments! And like Nascar, Tony Stewart's my boy! Yeah, I said it...I like Nascar! You can hate, or debate...I'm ridin' for the Home Depot car! Rainbow warriors get the gas face!!!


  • hcrinkhcrink 8,729 Posts
    Do you wear tight Wranglers with a large belt buckle?

  • Do you wear tight Wranglers with a large belt buckle?
    Of Course, although this isn't an essential costume choice...Staples of the Nascar crowd fancy anything bearing your fav nascar driver's sponser, a cooler full of Busch Light, Ford F250 (or any other truck that offsets the size of your penis), Ugly Kid Joe, vantage light cigarettes, and the Waffle House!

  • Big_ChanBig_Chan 5,088 Posts
    Nascar is wack. Plaese to get serious. It's all about Formula 1. You need to watch some real racing! Here is a proper race car........

  • How is NASCAR not real racing?

  • Big_ChanBig_Chan 5,088 Posts
    Race cars that are based on lame 2007 American production sedans like Monte Carlos (named after the location of the most famous Formula 1 race) going in circles for hundreds of laps? It is racing, but not very interesting or exciting. Almost all of the drivers are American and almost all of the races are in the U.S.
    Formula 1 racing is like the World Cup or the Olympics. The entire world watches and follows Formula 1 racing. The cars are built with cutting edge technology and race on tracks that are much more difficult to drive. Nascar tracks are just drivers going in a circle all day. All left turns! LOL. I think there is only one road course in Nascar and the cars are so slow on it that you would fall asleep watching the race.

  • Is drag racing racing? They go in a straight line, afterall.

  • The_Hook_UpThe_Hook_Up 8,182 Posts
    My old roommate watched NASCAR and I would clown and clown him about it. I mean, why is turning left for 4 to 5 hours so entrancing to a HUGE part of the american public. I can sort of understand watching it on TV, in the comfort of your own home...watching a huge 200 mile an hour car wreck can be enjoyable from the posistion of a Lazy Boy chair...but I'm talking about the hundereds of thousands of folks that go to fucking races, sitting in those stands, breathing exhaust, 120 fucking degrees for over 4 hours, relentless engine noise...and also PAY to do that...I dont get it.

  • ElectrodeElectrode Los Angeles 3,091 Posts
    Rainbow warriors get the gas face!!!

    Isn't this kind of talk not allowed here anymore?

  • sonofsamsonofsam 680 Posts
    Race cars that are based on lame 2007 American production sedans like Monte Carlos (named after the location of the most famous Formula 1 race) going in circles for hundreds of laps? It is racing, but not very interesting or exciting. Almost all of the drivers are American and almost all of the races are in the U.S.
    Formula 1 racing is like the World Cup or the Olympics. The entire world watches and follows Formula 1 racing. The cars are built with cutting edge technology and race on tracks that are much more difficult to drive. Nascar tracks are just drivers going in a circle all day. All left turns! LOL. I think there is only one road course in Nascar and the cars are so slow on it that you would fall asleep watching the race.


    just kidding, i don't like nascar or any racing (not very into cars in general), but people take that shit SERIOUS over here... my granddad took me to the coca-cola 600 in charlotte when i was about 13... i was so excited to go, then we got there and about 3 laps in, i was like "is this the whole thing?"... we left after about 50 laps

    there are at least 2 road courses though... sonoma, CA and watkin's glen, NY

  • 33thirdcom33thirdcom 2,049 Posts
    Nascar sucks the cars don't even really go that fast... The thing that kills me is that all the people into it are jut waiting for the wrecks and when it happens and it kills their most beloved driver theya re shocked... c'mon what the hell did you EXPECT to happen.

    Anyway if you haven't seen nascar you can get the same experience taking a folding chair out to your nearest inerstate. Who knows you may even witness an accident.

    cosign with Chan... F-1 is where its at as far as racing.

    PS. Even drag racing uses more advanced technology than Nascar

    PPS. I will say I do like how Nascar eveolved from bootlegging. That always cracked me up.

  • sonofsamsonofsam 680 Posts
    Anyway if you haven't seen nascar you can get the same experience taking a folding chair out to your nearest inerstate

    lol... that is awesome, so true

    one time my uncle broke his brother-in-law's nose and threw him in a pond in a fight over nascar... people that are into that shit are usually BOUT IT... i don't know very many casual nascar fans

  • DJBombjackDJBombjack Miami 1,665 Posts
    If you look at the history of Nascar (North American Stock Car), it used to be all about just that - American stock cars. Now it's anything but. And yes, it is boring, for all the reasons mentioned above.
    F1 is another level, but even these days it's not as crazy as it used to be - no more slicks, restricted engine sizes, restricted aero-dynamics etc. They tightened things up about 8-9 years ago after that driver died (don't remember his name but he was big*).

    I remember when Nigel Mansell quit F1 and came to Daytona (or it might've been Indianapolis, memory is blurry). His first time out in the car and he broke the lap record.

    *Ayrton Senna

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    I live a few miles from the Texas Motor Speedway and I think they host 2 NASCAR races a year.

    I'm not a fan and you'd have to strap me down with barbed wire to watch that shit.

    But the mass of fans that roll into town in their $500,000 Motor Homes represent some BIG BUCKS.

    This is apparently why 2 of the Top 10 paid "athletes" in the world are NASCAR drivers.

  • deeseldeesel 61 Posts
    I intern with a dude who???s deep into the Nascar lifestyle. He reps Dale Jr hard as fuck, has a closet full of #8 shirts and hats, logs into first thing every day, sings the praises of beverages like Miller Chill on a regular basis, and earns extra income selling bootleg Coach purses on eBay.

  • yuichiyuichi Urban sprawl 11,331 Posts
    Nascar, it's not a sport, it's a way of life.
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