"Hot Rod" (yay or nay)

Controller_7Controller_7 4,052 Posts
edited August 2007 in Strut Central
So me and the Mrs. are trying to figure out if we want to see Hot Rod tonight. It got pretty mixed reviews. The previews looked alright to me. I like a lot of the people in the cast. But, going along with my theory of movie advertising it's probably not that great. My general theory is that if a movie's ads drop off drastically after opening weekend I'm probably better off waiting for the dvd. Some good movies just don't do well opening weekend, but in most cases over-hyped turds are in your face for months and then hide under a rock after opening weekend (only to resurface as the "unrated" dvd, too graphic for theaters).It's also only playing at 12:30 and 3 at one theater and then 8 and 10 at a different one. Limited showings are probably not a good sign.So, I seek the advice of the Strut Movie Panel."Hot Rod"... or misunderstood should we go see Bourne Ultimatum instead. I've never seen the first two and Matt Damon kind of bugs me, but I hear it's a good action movie.


  • onetetonetet 1,754 Posts
    I've only heard bad-to-mediocre things about this. I'm also curious about it, but I've downsized my expectations to "worth a rental?"

    I'd go see Bourne tonight and in the comedy dpmnt hold out for Superbad next week (both are excellent).

  • ElectrodeElectrode Los Angeles 3,139 Posts
    It looks like lame Jack Black type humor, but Ian McShane is in it and it looks like he plays on nutty ass character. I'd wait for the rental.

  • cascas 1,484 Posts
    there are a some funny scenes, but the storyline is a very weak. i'd honestly wait to rent it. they're throwing stupid money at the advertising. damn near every cab i see in sf has the sign on the top and every day coming home from work last week, i saw a plane with the banner behind it.

  • we decided to wait. We saw Bourne Ultimatum instead. It was cool. I nodded off for a moment because I was exhausted, but it had some cool action shots. Too many shakey cameras though. And Matt Damon's gross boil/mole lip.

  • WoimsahWoimsah 1,734 Posts
    What about The Ten? Anybody seen it? Heard things? Trailer looks pretty dope....

  • CosmoCosmo 9,768 Posts
    Saw Hairspray with the wife and in-laws at a little boutique style movie house on San Pablo out in The Bay. I never saw the OG but the remake was pretty good. The dancing was incredible and I even gotta say that John Travolta (whom I pretty much hate) had the B-more accent ALMOST perfect.

  • macacamacaca 278 Posts
    ive been with the dudes for a few years now,
    but recent snl sketches had my expectations pretty low.
    and it didnt even reach that.

    it should also be said that ardy andy is not funny.

  • Pistol_PetePistol_Pete 1,289 Posts
    What about The Ten? Anybody seen it? Heard things? Trailer looks pretty dope....

    saw a screening of this at my work last year. some parts were great, some way over the top. it's worth a ticket if you dug the state or wet hot american summer.

  • while i did laugh at parts of "hot rod," i was really surprised at how much straight-up domestic anger was in the film and was supposed to come off as somehow being funny. young men certainly do have anger management and social issues, and i just don't see this trope as being humorous. the movie seemed like too much of something in between "napoleon dynamite" and "billy madison/happy gilmore" without providing enough of its own, original comic voice. in a way, though, it makes me appreciate a movie like "punch drunk love" a little more, insofar as it begins to explore the serious side of the anger and loneliness and disaffection that these movies try to make comical.
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