think gW can fight?
7,636 Posts
for real...he's probably had some kind of think you could beat him in hand to hand combat?
I'm not a small dude, but it's good to look at a huge NFL lineman and say, "You know...I could kill him in a sprint."
Same goes for GW, if he works out regularly he might have a chance, but if he's just playing X Box in the Oval Office all day than i can probably smoke him.
Wow look at that picture...that's all I can really say, just WOW!
I have that same exact picture tattooed on my lower back(the size of a 1989 Bowman baseball card)
that '89 Kevin Maas ws my first intro to the term Holy Grail
I want to get Cheny's '91 desert storm card face tatted on my tougue
You must be a real hit with the ladies!
When I first scrolled through the picture, I thought the toppled Saddam statue was an AT-AT. That would be be better.