Ready to Die? RR and DR

bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
edited August 2007 in Strut Central
Do you have a will? Have you thought about who you would want to have your records once you pass? I imagine a lot of us are cash-poor and record-rich...who's getting the Michael Hendersons and the Boscoes and the Beatles acetates and the Leo Sayers?Do you even care?


  • CousinLarryCousinLarry 4,618 Posts
    The records are coming with me when I die.

  • JroamJroam 257 Posts
    The records are come with me when I die.
    Keep em' on the wall of the mausoleum

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    Any reliable record dealer/collectro.

  • Havent given it serious thought as far as putting it down on paper, but my gf / friends / relatives are free to do with em as they see fit

  • Always thought it would be cool to let all my friends come round and take 50 each, that way they'd still get played and it would be a nice way for them to remember you. Unless a family member was having money troubles in which case i'd hope they would sell them...

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    still get played and it would be a nice way for them to remember you

    I was thinking along the same lines. The bulk of mine I'd like to split between my brother and a couple of friends who were really influential then in what I listen to and love now.

  • CousinLarryCousinLarry 4,618 Posts

    I was thinking along the same lines. The bulk of mine I'd like to split between my brother and a couple of friends who were really influential then in what I listen to and love now.

    Jokes aside, I told my wife to keep the stuff she likes and give the rest to a couple of my friends. It is actually something I have thought a lot about.

    I kind of regret not getting a hold of a friend of mines collection when he passed away. He was probably the biggest influence on the music I listened to growing up. He had a lot of problems with drugs and was pretty much gone through high school, he actually moved into his own place in the city and lived off of drug money for 3 to 4 years, but he spent the summer before I went to college trying to get sober. He moved back in with his Mom and we started hanging out again. This was after not seeing him for almost 3 years. He was a great guy when he wasn???t fucked up, and a great dj too. I had just bought my first 1200's and we spent a good portion of the summer practicing scratches and juggles and what not. He really used it as a replacement for drugs, but in the process he taught me a lot.

    I went off to school in the fall and he really fell apart. I saw him a few times through my first semester. Each time he was a little bit more gone than the last. By Christmas break he was dead. It wasn't really a surprise to folks who knew him, but I feel lucky that I got to see him at his best when I did. I thought about asking his parents about his records, but I never had the heart to do it. I didn't want to be crass, but I know they probably just threw them away. Hopefully, his little brother hung on to them. I like to hope so at least.

  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts
    Do you have a will? Have you thought about who you would want to have your records once you pass? I imagine a lot of us are cash-poor and record-rich...who's getting the Michael Hendersons and the Boscoes and the Beatles acetates and the Leo Sayers?

    Do you even care?

    What I was thinking was that I would appoint one of my friends that's knowledgable about records and would be able to maximize the value of my collection as the executor of the record-related portion of my estate, and that his (or her) compensation would be a set number of records.

    Like, he could choose 100 titles to keep as his own in exchange for liquidating the remainder, the proceeds of which would go to my dependents.
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