Its that magic post 1500 lull...
920 Posts
When only the west coasters are still at work, and we don't have the rest of the country to play with so we all fall silent. we can't argue with each other because we all like each other. the refresh button fails us.So lets take a moment, post 3:00 crowd, and relish the silence for a minute.shhhh.....there you go....thats nice right?now hit the refresh button.... anything there? maybe its that 'don't step on my air jordans' thread again? yeah, I don't know why that thing is always on the first page either. what could the possibly be talking about still?well anyways, enjoy the peacetime....
its 12.40am.
good night.
not bad.
I put 3:00 in the body of the post just in case....
You should, of all people!