Not being a fat bastard anymore appreciation
56 Posts
So I left home 2 months ago in the worst shape I've ever been in, starting to resemble something of a human pudding I remember weighing myself and coming in around 95 kgs (210 pounds) and I knew i lost a little since then but then a friend from home showed me photos from the other day and from when I left. I looked way healthier and weighed myself - down to 75kgs (165 pounds). It's not like I did anything either just gave up weed and pizza and ended up walking more. I feel fucking great but is that sorta thing unhealthy? I'm not on the Lohan-fingers-down-the-throat diet either.This ever happen to anyone else?
I think you may have stumbled across the only truth you'll ever need. Minus the giving up *boom* and *pie* part. That's just crazy talk.
But good job, moneygrip. Walking a lot just means I get through kicks all quick and shit.
Well, at least you've got a system. Why not *burn up* while you 'burn up' (them calories through walking) though? You will have doubled your productivity something fierce!
"Homer's right!"
I wonder how the other strutters are doing on the 2007 Summer Fitness plan?
cept it took me about 6 months instead of 2.
EARLIER: 91 kilos
NOW: 76 kilos
It is healthy, as long as you keep it up and make something of it.
I lost all my kilos primarily by running and eating less. But nowadays I am an active gym member. I still have small food slip-ups every no and then, epspecially in winter, but overall my commitment to being healthy remains paramount and I actually enjoy excercise. After having lost all that weight, knowing how shit it is to be fat - I could never let my self go back to that.
C'mon now. . .y'all rilly know the drilly
i also think it's easier for dudes to lose weight
True indeed.
Part of the reason why (I think) it's because it's easier for dudes to add muscle, which raises your metabolism.
I feel A*d**y's pain... I love beer too much for my own good
I've still been gyming, which is good for keeping me in shape.
But, I love eating and drinking...I've been treading water for a bit now. I'm actually trying to find time to make a personal training session to learn to step up my game...but, it's gonna be tough with football season upon us.
That said...Jonny, there is NO greater motivation to lose weight than one's own upcoming wedding. More pics are gonna be taken of you that day, and at greater cost, than any other time in your life. DON'T SLEEP.
I looked alright at the engagement party Thurs night though! haha
At least I have a year and change to get my act together
Careful, JP. I read an article yesterday that said that yo-yo exercising functions just like yo-yo dieting: you end up putting on more fat if you exercise on and off.
You really have to make a complete lifestyle change. It's understandable why people are hesitant to do that.
But honestly it's more about time management. I need a little alert that comes on my computer screen when I open it up in the morning that says "Do not log into soulstrut until you have gone to the gym"
Right now i'm at the "I need to loose the last 10 pounds phase", which means getting a bit more focussed (lifting more weight and really getting strict with the eating) and basically only have a glass of wine when I got out (HRRRRMMMPPPPPFFFFFFF!).
No, you need a treadmill-powered computer. Multi-task.