kinda funny
5,966 Posts
So I was reading that today Ward Churchil (SP?) was up before the State Regents Board and was probably going to be fired today. Anyway, I followed some links to these blogs. One by his suporters and one by some guy who doesnt like him. Personally Im not so interested in the merits of the firing and whatnot, its a pretty straight forward employment issue, and he'll probably get canned. But what is funny and scary at the same time is the level of personal animosity in the posts on both websites. Its like all these people do is go onto each other's websites and say the meanest, basest shit they can about each other. You think me and fatback or Motown go at it? This stuff is really ugly and small...and funny.*******************you kind of have to dig a little, and read the comments sections. What they do is make nasty comments to each others posts and ignite these flame wars between themselves. Because the posting is completely open Im tempted to throw gas on the fire with some posts ala bugs bunny style "Antoine says that he's the best chef in Paris"
Yes, he hasn't been at the top of his game lately.
Or has he?
Every time they talk about this nut, Conservative Talk Radio recruits another Republican vote.
I'm trying to be less confrontational.
Judge not, lest ye be judged, Johnny Sixpost.
You can't just make a statement like that and walk away...