Is there a "John from Cincinnati" thread?

I couldn't find one...What do people think of this show? I was veeeeeeeeeery hesitant, but I can honestly say that I really like this show now.I'd love to hear theories on the show.I think John is some kinda of religious/spiritual guide or something. But I think he is also similar to Skippy the bird. Did the guy from hawaii say something about having a shapeshifting chameleon back in hawaii? And he always calls John a shapeshifter?-pj
It's like "What happened in J.F.C. this week?"
"Well, a bunch of guys hung out at the motel. The surfer kid didn't say anything. The grandma got all crazy for a minute. And John just stood around repeating everything everyone else said".
thats cool, i understand people not diggin this show. It appeals to the David Lynch fan in me. I don't mind that it doesn't make a whole lot of sense sometimes. Its more the overall "feel" of the show & the characters that interest me.
And Ed O'Neil is fucking awesome.
This is how I felt about deadwood. I will probably check this show out.
al bundy is amazing in this show
i keep watching because i NEED something interesting to happen. the characters are okay but could of gotten either better actors or better scriptwriting... or both.
I think plenty interesting has occured. The healing, the levitation, the Lotto winner subplot is interesting, as is the interaction of the family to each other and how it has changed from grandmother/father -> mother/father -> son.
In the most recent episode there were some scenes that were drastically different than everything before it (the motel dream(?) scene). And I feel like they raised even more questions.
It reminds me of something David Lynch said in an interview once. He said that he begins every piece of art (film, painting whatever), with one small idea. Usually a vision of some sort, and builds everything around that. Sometimes this method of working doesn't lead to readily recognizable storylines, as the goal is to realize that initial vision or image rather than tell a story (although story is obivously part of it). So, for JFC, I think the vision was a father levitating. Or a kid that heals after being pecked by a bird that talks to its owner.
I enjoy watching this show because I don't understand nearly anything that is happening. I don't know why things happen on screen...nothing seems to make sense, but somehow I can think of ways to make it work out. And that interests me. Maybe it will all be explained, maybe it won't. But its been a while since I watched a show that had me thinking this much.
this show is dope. i think jon is an alien, similar to jeff bridges character in starman.
i think john is god or a messenger from god.
what is the deal with luke perry?
cooooooooooooooomeooooooon dude. you still on this theory? even after the last episode? So now the alien can jump into other peoples heads when he passes out? And "knows" when someone is going to commit suicide?
I am not convinced its as simple as him being god/messengerfromgod, but I think it is much more complexe than him being an alien. Probably more spiritual than religious, but definately something along those lines.
no. alien meaning, not of this world...not like a "mortal". jon has powers nobody has...except for god. funny thing is...he cant fit in, has no idea how to speak or act like a human, just like the starman character. go watch that movie and tell me how its any different. bring dead things back to life, etc...
naw, i understand exactly what you mean....I don't necessarily need ET phoning home to make an alien. My point is that in the show his powers seem to have a larger purpose. Even the way he talks. He does repeat what people say, but he also seems to have a purpose. For example, you know something is happening with the filmmaker. She is important somehow. Her camera is important, because of what John says. This goes beyond just an alien wandering around, conjuring money out of his pocket or keeping people from killing themselves.
But to be fair, I guess based on your definition, yes he may be an alien....but all that really means is that he isn't human. And that is pretty obvious! I think he has a more spiritual purpose there than just a visiting alien.
Al Bundy
Spanish dude from the hotel
Nerdy jewish lawyer/ mitch yost super-fan
Kai......she pukes most of her lines this dude trying to be Sawyer from Lost?
Shawn........might have actually experienced brain trauma from a real life surfing accident.
Rebecca Demorney.....what's up with her constant over-acting?
almost made me turn off the tv on sunday.
I can't argue with that....she does way overact in this.
I know Shawn & Kai are surfers in real life. I don't follow surfing, but I know that the Kai actress was on the pro tour...and acting just fell into her lap. Perhaps same for the Shawn actor? I'd hope so, cause you are right about his acting....ugggg.
Doesn't ruin the show for me or anything.