Rescue Dawn

hemolhemol 2,578 Posts
edited July 2007 in Strut Central
Werner Herzog is strictly built for killing cinema in my opinion, so perhaps I'm biased. Was ayone else loving this flick? Like most of his other movies he never really comes out and says it, he just turns it up enough so that it hits you when you're ten minutes out of the theatre.And Christian Bale brought the realness too. I've thoroughly enjoyed every film that I've seen him in.Thoughts?


  • JoeMojoJoeMojo 720 Posts
    Now that I think about Herzog/Bale, they should get Werner to direct the next Batman movie...

  • onetetonetet 1,754 Posts
    seeing this tonight. I hope it meets my mid-to-high expectations.

    I wasn't wild about Invincible (his most recent - I think - narrative film, w/ Tim Roth). But I was impressed that it contained quite a few moments that bore the 70s Herzog "signature." I wasn't sure he'd pull that off after devoting so many years to docs.

  • hemolhemol 2,578 Posts
    seeing this tonight. I hope it meets my mid-to-high expectations.

    I wasn't wild about Invincible (his most recent - I think - narrative film, w/ Tim Roth). But I was impressed that it contained quite a few moments that bore the 70s Herzog "signature." I wasn't sure he'd pull that off after devoting so many years to docs.

    Maybe it's due to personal significance (I'm Jewish), or maybe it's due to my Herzog bias but Invincible was amazing to me.
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