1,438 Posts
Some 3rd party bs. this ever happen to yall...if so is it done via email , or right off ebay ?somebody was selling macbook pros under my account.
Get in touch with ebay on a live chat right away and have them sort it out. They were good to me and took care of it right away. Someone sold a 500 dollar gift card to someone else and they also changed my mailing address. Luckily I still have it.
The weird part was when i informed the buyer he had no idea that he had even bought a gift card. It was odd.
But yeah, move on this quick!!!
Yes and yes. Some fool was trying to sell a motorcycle under my name. All I did was open a random email and boom - they had all my info. Shit is crazy.
Luckily ebay straightened it out but it took a minute to get it fixed.