RAJRAJ tenacious local 7,781 Posts
edited June 2007 in Strut Central


  • CosmophonicCosmophonic 1,172 Posts
    More like "bonin?? it".

    - J

  • hcrinkhcrink 8,729 Posts

  • SyminSymin 999 Posts
    i was gonna make a joke about jazz fusion, but i realized there is no joke here.
    this is shred

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts
    things like this make me think "why dont i digg for rock moar?". Thank you kind sir for reminding me why rock can be so good.

  • CosmophonicCosmophonic 1,172 Posts
    I just got through the entire thing and I??m convinced. One CAN SHRED on synths.

    As for traditional shred, how bout this:

  • mrmatthewmrmatthew 1,575 Posts
    I just got through the entire thing and I??m convinced. One CAN SHRED on synths.

    As for traditional shred, how bout this:

    LeopardPrint spandex shirt + nutt-hugger shorts + studded armband =

  • PonyPony 2,283 Posts

    Easily the best Youtube post of 07' thus far.

    Dude is amazing.

  • DocMcCoyDocMcCoy "Go and laugh in your own country!" 5,917 Posts

    Oh, man, I saw that actual show. I think I was about 13 at the time. I fucking loved that Edgar Winter album when I was a kid, even though the cover was the very definition of

  • CosmophonicCosmophonic 1,172 Posts
    this is from the old grey whistle test dvd. some pretty good performances on there.

    Freddie King performing "Boogie Funk" on the DVD vol. 2 (?) is SICK! Highly reccommended.

    - J
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