Young_PhonicsYoung_Phonics 8,039 Posts
edited June 2007 in Strut Central
And right across from raer-emporioum Groove Merchant. It's like they're provoking you and they know you can't stop them.


  • PunditPundit 438 Posts
    loose /lus/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[loos] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation adjective, loos??er, loos??est, adverb, verb loosed, loos??ing.
    1. free or released from fastening or attachment: a loose end.
    2. free from anything that binds or restrains; unfettered: loose cats prowling around in alleyways at night.
    3. uncombined, as a chemical element.
    4. not bound together: to wear one's hair loose.

    lose /luz/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[looz] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation verb, lost, los??ing.
    ???verb (used with object)
    1. to come to be without (something in one's possession or care), through accident, theft, etc., so that there is little or no prospect of recovery: I'm sure I've merely misplaced my hat, not lost it.
    2. to fail inadvertently to retain (something) in such a way that it cannot be immediately recovered: I just lost a dime under this sofa.
    3. to suffer the deprivation of: to lose one's job; to lose one's life.
    4. to be bereaved of by death: to lose a sister.

    Pet hate, I'm just saying.

  • Young_PhonicsYoung_Phonics 8,039 Posts
    sure i edited it, but you must not be aware of my m.o. and how i drop science

    get familiar

  • Hotsauce84Hotsauce84 8,450 Posts
    sure i edited it, but you must not be aware of my m.o. and how i dropped science Writing 101[/b]

    get familiar

  • dayday 9,611 Posts
    Just to be fair, I'm pretty sure Saba is loose too

  • Young_PhonicsYoung_Phonics 8,039 Posts
    Just to be fair, I'm pretty sure Saba is loose too

    the bitch is back!
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