Who's in NYC this weekend

yoigotbeatsyoigotbeats 1,667 Posts
edited June 2007 in Strut Central
I'm rolling up top this weekend and outside my usual crew, are there any folls that might wanna grab a drink/meal and chop it up?Delay - are you in town?aleit - you got my rekkods foll?paycheck - need Joe Cuba reckkords?finewine - Clarence Murray trade?deepstank - can I help you pack?maocontent - you spinning?Who's going to the Rockstar games BBQ in the BX or Ghostface in BK on saturday?


  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts
    : page me:

  • ayresayres 1,452 Posts
    damn i'ma be in Montreal but Sunday the McCarren Park Pool Party will be jumping off. http://www.thepoolparties.com/events.php

  • maocontentmaocontent 559 Posts
    Yo! Not spinnin', but down to catch up. When do you get in?

  • yoyoyo, I know I mentioned this earlier in the Prospect Heights / Park Slope roll call, but me and folks organize a capture the flag game in Prospect Park at night. SHIT IS FUN! It's goin down again this Friday night, 8:30. Details below, anyone interested should PM me asap cause we gotta buy the right number of GLOWSTICKS!!!!! ALL HEADS ARE INVITED, THE BIGGER THE ARMIES, THE MORE DEVASTATING THE BATTLE WILL BE!!!

    For those of you who couldn't make it to our first event, here's the rundown:

    1) We're playing in Prospect Park. At night. Nobody has ever done this before in the history of Prospect Park. This event is unprecedential.

    2) The map we play on is big, son. Jef is working on some topography right now, and when you see the link, you will probably go blind with awe. you will, in effect, be awe-blinded. bywayof.net/ctf is where you can find the map.

    3) Game goes until 1 am. Rules will be discussed at base camp. For those of you who whined last time, we are modifying our jail rule, which will be better for exciting play and more fast-pacing rush. dont forget, there will probably be copious amounts of drinking. we are not liable for any injuries sustained. you take your life into your own hands when you play CTF.

    4) THIS ONE IS IMPORTANT. 2 TEAMS: BLUE & GREEN. EVERY PLAYER MUST WEAR A GLOWSTICK (or glow necklace.. who the hell knows these things) DESIGNATING THEIR TEAM (COLORED TAPE DIDN'T WORK LAST TIME, REMEMBER?). to cover the ever burgeoning overhead costs, we kindly request everyone who plays to pitch in at least $1.50 so as we can buy your glowstick/necklace in preparation for your assignment.


    6) everyone should remember to have fun. while your ass is getting served. pause.

    questions? email charlie chaz aka capt. planet: [email]charlie@bywayof.net[/email]

  • aleitaleit 1,915 Posts
    sold out of nudie records, sorry!!!!!


    that goes for you too Stankiest of the Stanky.

  • sabadabadasabadabada 5,966 Posts
    see you there.

  • Jonny_PaycheckJonny_Paycheck 17,825 Posts
    I'm here... but I'm good on Joe Cuba records...

  • empanadamnempanadamn 1,462 Posts
    captain, i've e-mailed you.

  • empanadamnempanadamn 1,462 Posts
    Who's going to the Rockstar games BBQ in the BX or Ghostface in BK on saturday?

    what's this bbq hannin?

  • yoigotbeatsyoigotbeats 1,667 Posts
    Who's going to the Rockstar games BBQ in the BX or Ghostface in BK on saturday?

    what's this bbq hannin?

    van courtland park - starts at 1pm.

    Mao - tomorrow and I'm in thru Monday.

    Saba - please do not get on some supposedly funny shit with me when i don't know you. I'm not like some of these interweb beef lovers here - I'll knock you the fuck out.

  • sabadabadasabadabada 5,966 Posts
    you better sneak up on me then.

  • sabadabadasabadabada 5,966 Posts

    P.S. I was referring to the people playng tag in the park. Please take all private conversations to the PMs and you wont have to worry about people you dont know saying anything that might get you upset.

  • yoigotbeatsyoigotbeats 1,667 Posts
    Post deleted by yoigotbeats

  • sabadabadasabadabada 5,966 Posts
    dude - if you want to have a misunderstanding 615-400-0285 and I'm staying at 27 Washington Square Park West. time & place at your convenience. I'm really in no mood for a Harvey/Cosmo beef with zero provocation. So if you wanna meet & greet - cool. If not, there's zero need to attempt to be on some slick shit.

    I got nothing to do Saturday afternoon, if you want to grab a beer or something, but I'm out of town on Sunday. I dont know who Harvey or Cosmo are.

  • sabadabadasabadabada 5,966 Posts
    dude - if you want to have a misunderstanding 615-400-0285 and I'm staying at 27 Washington Square Park West. time & place at your convenience. I'm really in no mood for a Harvey/Cosmo beef with zero provocation. So if you wanna meet & greet - cool. If not, there's zero need to attempt to be on some slick shit.

    I got nothing to do Saturday afternoon, if you want to grab a beer or something, but I'm out of town on Sunday. I dont know who Harvey or Cosmo are.

    and friday, im playing capture the flag in the park.

  • yoigotbeatsyoigotbeats 1,667 Posts

    P.S. I was referring to the people playng tag in the park. Please take all private conversations to the PMs and you wont have to worry about people you dont know saying anything that might get you upset.

    and if this is indeed the case, you could've simply pointed that out instead of playing the toughie with you're "you better sneak up on me" bullshit.

  • sabadabadasabadabada 5,966 Posts

    P.S. I was referring to the people playng tag in the park. Please take all private conversations to the PMs and you wont have to worry about people you dont know saying anything that might get you upset.

    and if this is indeed the case, you could've simply pointed that out instead of playing the toughie with you're "you better sneak up on me" bullshit.

    I couldnt understand why you got so bent by it and assumed you were one of the guys playing tag in the park, and figured i could probably take you if your the kind of guy who plays tag in the park.

  • soulmarcosasoulmarcosa 4,296 Posts

    P.S. I was referring to the people playng tag in the park. Please take all private conversations to the PMs and you wont have to worry about people you dont know saying anything that might get you upset.

    and if this is indeed the case, you could've simply pointed that out instead of playing the toughie with you're "you better sneak up on me" bullshit.

    OMG please tell me this is real beef and you guys aren't just joking around.

    "I'm coming to NYC" + BB jpg = Soulstrut Classic In The Making!

  • yoigotbeatsyoigotbeats 1,667 Posts
    I couldnt understand why you got so bent by it and assumed you were one of the guys playing tag in the park, and figured i could probably take you if your the kind of guy who plays tag in the park.

    gotcha - I'll reduce my hemorrhoidal flare-up post haste.

  • sabadabadasabadabada 5,966 Posts
    I couldnt understand why you got so bent by it and assumed you were one of the guys playing tag in the park, and figured i could probably take you if your the kind of guy who plays tag in the park.

    gotcha - I'll reduce my hemorrhoidal flare-up post haste.

    Im glad we straightened that out.

    'Cause I really didn't want to have to kick your ass.

  • yoigotbeatsyoigotbeats 1,667 Posts
    Cunningham's really think shit is sweet

  • DelayDelay 4,530 Posts
    whuddup G*****!!!

    I'll be around. there's a big reunion up at the wall of fame, so i'll prolly be up that way saturday, and i gotta play in soho sat night. Let's parle somewhere in there tho. you got the math, so prodel at me nephew.

  • PATXPATX 2,820 Posts
    Dr*z, T*m, M*o, J***y, A*i, Fr*d, in fact all of you fools except the paralegal would be very welcome to check the Budos show on Friday night. Real headz will be in attendance with raer. Um, invite some girls as well! You know where it's at.

    I think Finewine is off to Turkey in the next few.

  • sabadabadasabadabada 5,966 Posts
    Dr*z, T*m, M*o, J***y, A*i, Fr*d, in fact all of you fools except the paralegal would be very welcome to check the Budos show on Friday night. Real headz will be in attendance with raer. Um, invite some girls as well! You know where it's at.

    I think Finewine is off to Turkey in the next few.

    first of all, i am now a law clerk.

    And, second, i would rather play tag in the park.

  • PATXPATX 2,820 Posts
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