Philadelphia Strut

So I'm gonna be your town June 21-25. Any Strutters feeling a Phillies game? Is there any good nights worth hitting, especially on the Soul and Funk tip? Any good shows? Where's do I eat? And of course, where do I dig? Holler at me Philadelphia.
Oh shit! I guess I'll see you play for once outside of Texas.
For eats... what do you like? The char-broiled octopus at Dmitri's is good...
Mmmmmmm.... Dmitris....
The Dmitri's in Center City is easier to get into than the one in South Philly --but the latter is slightly better imo.
For authentic South Philly pizza hit up Marra's, which is cheap and ever-so-slightly grungy. For cheesesteaks avoid Pat's, Geno's, Jim's and Rick's and go either to Lorenzo's in the Italian Market or Cosmi's in South Philly.
Ricci Brothers does the best Italian hoagie. Get it with green olives.
For expense-account dining, you can't beat Vetri's. Unreal food... If I'm reincarnated, I'd like to come back as their chestnut fettucini with wild boar ragout...
if the timing is right, maybe i'll make a daytrip down to meet you.
bit swamped at the moment after a month gone.
if you go see the phils, make sure you go when cole hamels is pitching
best ice cream is easily at capo giro, at 13th and sansom...aka the gayborhood (the ice cream is ridiculously good)
go to reading terminal market for some good food and a nice slice of philly culinary life.
i still go to the record exchange.
for real though...shoot a pm over
I'm going to be in town to buy all the killer records you missed!
Actually I'm going to be visiting with a friend who happens to currently reside there. Regardless you should come down for a day or something. Not to mention it's the new and improved El Pointman sans beard!
Probably should hit up Beautiful on Friday, because it's not organized and tends to be crowded on weekend afternoons. It's not really worth it unless you spend a bit of time there.
I definitely second Long in the Tooth (20th/21st & Samson) - reasonable prices and they don't sell stuff on ebay unless it's sat on the wall/somewhere in the store for months. And I don't know whether it's funny or sad that the owners say the stinky one is nowhere near as bad as some of the customers/buyers/sellers they have to deal with. Make sure to tell Nick you slept with his mom last night and call Janis a goth and/or Eeyore.
Also, Phillies are out of town during your entire trip, but you can catch the last game of the Soul on the 21st (arena football). I'll be going to root for my Orlando Predators.
We're slowly getting better organized... Space issues, plus the fact that suddenly we're moving more records than any shop in Philly, are making it difficult. When we find a West Philly spot and open a second location, thus easing the space crunch, everything will be aces.
On Friday we're picking up two collections, so I'd suggest coming by on the weekend. I'll be in the shop all day Sunday --say hi if you stop in then. (I'm Mark.)
any ETA on that Mark?
We're searching high and low, T. That African Orphan Thrift spot on Baltimore is for rent, and would be perfect, but they're asking far too much money. The long-vacant Penn Towne Travel space by the Septa tangle at 39th and Baltimore would be perfect, too --but the guy who owns it is nuts and refuses to get in touch with the company handling the property. Now we're looking at 51st and Baltimore...
Check out Pointman's new tell-all autobiography: "Looking Amish But Feeling Cajew"...
call me when you are getting close to leaving and we'll see how things are looking over here.
Hey Castro, I'm getting close to leaving.