Cell Phone Headz: T-Mobile?

CosmoCosmo 9,768 Posts
edited May 2007 in Strut Central
How are they living up to the promise?


  • CosmoCosmo 9,768 Posts
    Yeah, I'm ditching Sprint. Also getting Blackberry today, plus one for my girl

  • RAJRAJ tenacious local 7,783 Posts
    My company does T-Mobile. Only because we have consultants who travel all over the world and they have the best rates when staying within the network. Their reception is getting better. It used to be real shitty because they are a European based company but they are on the rise. I don't pay for my cel so I really couldn't tell you how they rate price-wise. I would get the T-Mobile Dash NOT the Blackberry... way better. Stay away from the SDA.

  • twoplytwoply Only Built 4 Manzanita Links 2,918 Posts
    I've been with T-Mobile for a couple of years and I have no complaints so far. I'm getting a thousand minutes for the same monthly cost of 400 minutes with AT&T/Cingular. Customer service has always been helpful and friendly with me, but as with any service, I'm sure it just depends on who you get.

  • haha, that's funny...I just signed up for T-Mobile yesterday.
    Can't wait to call up cingular and tell them to FUCK OFF! (I'll wait till I get my numbers transferred first)

    I did some research and T-Mobile was neck and neck w/ Verizon, but they had much better international options. Plus, I was not feeling Verizon website and gerneral format (for instance you had to pick bewteen local, long distance and int plans rather than general ones)...so that made the decision easy.

    I signed up for a fam plan for me and the wife, w/ a 2 year we got 2 free 250 dollar flip phones...rate is 70 somethin a month for the 700 minute plan, with unlimited calls to your "top five". That includes equipment coverage for my unit ($7), 'cause I'm always fuckin up or losing my phones

  • Controller_7Controller_7 4,052 Posts
    I've had t-mobile for a little over a month now and it's working fine for me. no problems.

    I usually only talk to the same people over and over, so the My Faves thing is perfect. I hardly use any of my anytime minutes. I end up using them randomly just for the sake of using them.

    The connection in SF has been fine. I went to Chicago and it was fine too. I haven't had any drops yet.

  • Deejay_OMDeejay_OM 695 Posts
    I've had t-mobile for a little over a month now and it's working fine for me. no problems.

    I usually only talk to the same people over and over, so the My Faves thing is perfect. I hardly use any of my anytime minutes. I end up using them randomly just for the sake of using them.

    The connection in SF has been fine. I went to Chicago and it was fine too. I haven't had any drops yet.

    I have them...although, I've had quite a few dropped calls...although, they seem to always be in the same location...so, i guess just dead spots in the city...

  • dstill808dstill808 704 Posts
    Not really a fan of T-Mobile, but I've been a customer for 2+ years, so you can take from that I'm either super lazy, or not terribly DISsatisfied.

    The main issue is that they seem to have dead spots, as controller 7 mentioned, and two of these happen to be where I live, and where I work. Great service all over the city, out of town, etc, but I either have to call from my front walk, or one corner to the right of my couch

    No gripes with the billing/customer service/etc, mostly because I pay my bill on time and have never really asked them for anything.

  • deejdeej 5,125 Posts
    i use tmobile

    1) they supposedly have the least dropped calls in chicago, and i've never had a problem
    2) they will give you a full accounting of the calls charged, without a request, shipped with your bill; the other phone co.'s require a request if they let you see that info at all.
    3) good for eurotraveling

  • spelunkspelunk 3,400 Posts
    haha, that's funny...I just signed up for T-Mobile yesterday.
    Can't wait to call up cingular and tell them to FUCK OFF! (I'll wait till I get my numbers transferred first)

    Yeah I am sick of these clowns. My service only keeps getting worse. I really like the "five faves" concept even if the name is dumb as shit, their family plans look like a real good deal compared to the BS that Cingular put on us.

  • wescoasiawescoasia 126 Posts
    Sprint is the best way to go if you want Internet/Data Plan. Their SERO plan plan comes with UNLIMITED DATA for just 30 bones (500 mins). Or 50$ for 1250 mins. On top of that, you can claim $10 credit every month for dropped calls. Definitely best bang for buck, since data plans is kinda expensive from other providers. Only drawback is they don't have that many phone models (Treo and Q for PDAs), and some people claim there reception is spotty. It is fine where I'm at, though.

  • CosmoCosmo 9,768 Posts
    Fuck Sprint. And I was with them for 9 years.

  • Jonny_PaycheckJonny_Paycheck 17,825 Posts
    I have a blackberry through cingular and haven't had a problem. The rollover minutes allow me to keep my plan to the minimum but I will say the data speed sucks when it comes to internets and such. Also the data plan is expensive, by comparison...

    I ditched Verizon and haven't looked back, I would consider T-Mobile except everyone I know with that service is always dropping calls. There's dudes with T-Mobile who I know when I call them it's gonna drop at least once. The service has always seemed quite spotty.

  • DJ_PhillieDJ_Phillie 199 Posts
    On top of that, you can claim $10 credit every month for dropped calls.

    please explain how to do this....

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    theres a number you can dial after you have a dropped call and it credits your account 50 cents. i think after ten dollars your calls get transferred to a service rep who audits your shit. i have a sero plan with a q and shit is tight. just got 500 txts added for free

  • How are they living up to the promise?

    Shit is working really nicely. Only places I can't get calls are in caves and your apartment.

    Don't hate the Salyer.

  • CosmoCosmo 9,768 Posts
    How are they living up to the promise?

    Shit is working really nicely. Only places I can't get calls are in caves and your apartment.

    Don't hate the Salyer.

    Dude my apartment IS a cave! My service ain't that great in here either.

    Yo, holler at your boy about those things.
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