Humidity + electronic equipment = ?

mr.brettmr.brett 678 Posts
edited May 2007 in Strut Central
How much does humidity affect stereo equipment and computers? We've had our windows open at home for the past week or so, but I decided to close them yesterday due to rain and forecasted rain for the rest of the week. My roommate got asshurt because he likes the windows open and the attic fan on. I like having windows open during this time of the year too, but my house is just way too humid with a bunch of windows open and an attic fan sucking in humidity. Can someone with a more expert opinion validate my fears of humidity damaging equipment, or am I wrong?(as far as equipment goes, I've got about 8-10k worth of computers, amps, and mixers)


  • spelunkspelunk 3,400 Posts
    Where do you live, and what kind of humidity are we talking? Out here in Cali it's not a huge deal, though it is a very good idea to close windows, but down South or even on the East Coast I can imagine it being a real big deal. If you look at real professional studios they are climate controlled, particularly to protect microphones.

  • mr.brettmr.brett 678 Posts
    I live in the middle of Missouri. I am mostly concerned with having windows open while it's raining... you know, when it's pretty humid.
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