DJs make good ninjas-idle thought post for all...

GnatGnat 1,183 Posts
edited April 2007 in Strut Central
So, I'm working with my kids again--these are severely emotionally disturbed (SED) kids BTW (read "SED" as "psychotic more often than not") and have been deemed so by several mental health professionals. The school is one of those "special ones" that you probably never heard of because you never had an overtly psychotic youth close to you. Psychotic kids are not fun to play with and, of course, this is why they are in the school with me.Not the point.The point is that yesterday, this kid walks by me, and suddenly, I get this tingly sensation all over my body--kinda like when your leg wakes up from falling asleep, but with an overwhelming sense of alertness. So, I get the spidey sense that I'm about to get attacked by him and I whip around just in time to catch his arm as his fist is striking down onto my back with great momentum. I had the "slow-mo" moment where I saw exactly where everything was and then reacted. The funny thing is, I felt just like I was catching a record. I was catching time with my hands. I'm a lover, not a fighter, so I never have had too many opportunities (except at this school) to thwart off attackers. I suppose that's why the quick reaction felt more like a DJ kill than an actual fighting skill, because I don't claim to have the latter. Now, I hardly claim to be the greatest DJ, so I wonder how more skilled DJs on here relate to this phenomenon. Do you too think that you would make a great ninja based on your DJ skills? Have you had similar experiences? Did you realize that in purchasing turntables you unwittingly began your ninja training? Am I a complete an utter whack-job? Feel free to weigh in on this and any other number of topics that keep you up at night.


  • SyminSymin 999 Posts
    someone threw a baby, oh shit, i did a spin move and caught it and the crowd went crazy.

  • GnatGnat 1,183 Posts
    someone threw a baby, oh shit, i did a spin move and caught it and the crowd went crazy.
    Damn, while you were DJing too? I bet you didn't miss a cue. People who throw babies are just cowards.

  • step your Midi-chlorians game up.

  • SyminSymin 999 Posts
    i was juggling the Its a new day break (45s) when the baby was hurrled on stage. i caught it with one arm and continued juggling with the other using the baby's leg to throw the fader. the baby soon managed to free itself from my arm, hit the needle and flipped the headphones into the mic jack and started beatboxing the break perfectly and didnt miss a beat.
    then we battled and i served him/her by pulling out my Loggins raer.
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