mid week finds (4/11...)
1,697 Posts
okay, its no longer the weekend, and i found more stuff.^^a pile of hip hop 12s. these were the ones with pic covers.^^ heh^^ very very weird. i have no idea what im listening to here.^^ coverless, but very cool stuff. (as i learned)^^ possibly the two most opposite records on earth, in battle mode.^^ treniers is a 70's small press effort by the 50s group, with one or 2 semi hot tracks. finally found some graham bond. rhapsodies for young lovers is a 'secret' early leon russell production.^^ rozalin woods is goood soul/'natural' disco stuff. i like.^^ the casey p. is some 60's DeeJay doing a semi comedy thing. just a neat cover.^^ jungle studs is on alternative tentacles, must be early 80s weird/punk but i havent listened yet. ^^ keane brothers looks horrid, but it was cheap, sealed, and is on abc 1979, with lamont dozier production... so who knows... pick up lenny welch of you like really well produced crooner/lite soul. i was shocked at how good this record sounds. chelsea has a kiss member on it pre-kiss and is therefore 'collectable', but i grabbed it because its good hard rock that is much better than kiss....and a crazy grip of shhh-ish ish from a killer Strut trade with the MAN, A****n.
Butterfield Blues Band - In my own dream
Butterfield Blues Band - Keep on Moving
Hendrix - are you experienced
Cream - Disraeli
Bloomfield Hammond Dr. John - Triumvirate
Dollar each from the thrift in town i always sleep on.
Their cover of "Dancin' In The Moonlight" is nice. Look out of the 12" version, which is a bit different/better than the album version.
Schlitz - Once Around Life - has some horribly bad renditions of Schlitz commercials in different styles from 1972. There's actually some pretty dope moments
Lee Dorsey - Night People 1978 ABC Lp
Mashmakhan - 1968 s/t on Epic
DJ Day - The Day Before CD
Thes One - LifeStyle Marketing CD
Hey, hey, hey - we don't want to hear
about the stuff that you downloaded, ok?
I actually dropped $21.99 on DJ Day (goddamn imports ) and 14.99 on that Thes One CD.
sip of the juice? looks mental
and that dixie peach goes for decent money, if you're not a fan
Yeah, that's a pretty interesting record. I took a total shot in the dark on it and was pleased with it. The opening riff to "Ziggety Zag" sounds pretty JBish, particularly when looped.
can do, but not at the moment, ill bump this when i get a clip up.
when i first needle dropped it i couldnt make heads or tails of what it even was trying to do. further listening reveals its a sort of anti-vietnam war sound collage, definitely assembled by some pretty clever people. its pulled from numerous politicians speeches (pitting incongruent speeches from jfk, lbj, and many others against each other as if theyre commenting on each other and debating), and random commericials from tv, making a very weird abstract commentary/comedy thing.