Can someone sum up the "Sharing Album" thread?
8,039 Posts
My logical side is saying "don't read it, you'll get depressed and pissed" but my self-loathing side says "but just gotta know for sure".holler
but don't let it stop you from working on those GUNS.
accompanied by headz in the know who we should be listening to...
it's basically:
Danno: the comp I worked hard on is being offerered for free on blogs. Should I argue with them to get it off or is it pointless?
one side: you worked hard, fuck that. make them take it down.
another side: it's promotion, they wouldn't necessarily buy it anyways
artists: 1. shit is fucked up. We're all losing money and anyone who says were not has no idea what they are
talking about.
2. people feel entitled to own everything and get it for free, even if it means the artists starves.
others: 1. there's no proof downloads are hurting the music biz.
2. it's all part of a change, just wait to see how it works itself out
3. isn't free music for everyone good?
then the usual argument over downloads (illegal/legal). Interesting...considering all the links available on this site.
Most of the artists on here are all agreeing that shit looks dismal. Others are saying it's not so bad and that it's a result of technology and changes.
It's worth a read. you could probably go through it fast. That was just a brief summary, sort of. It's kind of like a snow ball that's rolling, gathering info as it goes along and then splitting apart off into different directions as it goes. Thes has some really good points and quotes.
Agreed. It's a really interesting, healthy debate.
on some music/social theory.