Brasilintime Dilla Tribute (YTR)

spelunkspelunk 3,400 Posts
edited March 2007 in Strut Central
I don't know if I'm late on this, but it blew me away. The end is :


  • hendravishendravis 689 Posts
    I don't know if I'm late on this, but it blew me away. The end is :

    that was raelly cool thanks for that man!

  • spelunkspelunk 3,400 Posts
    By the way, what is up with the whole Brasilintime project? The Mochilla site hasn't been updated in forever and I can't find a DVD of it anywhere.

  • rocco2nrrocco2nr 530 Posts
    dope. thanks for posting that

  • kicks79kicks79 1,346 Posts
    Hasn't come out yet. Im assuming that they ran into some problems trying to get it out.

  • jinx74jinx74 2,287 Posts
    dill withers? is this an alias of his?

    sooo being that im out the loop... i get the two djs and drummer bit. was the music just stuff JayDee looped and the band replayed it or what? not the biggest JD fan and dont know everything hes done.

    i liked the music but it just seemed a little slow. im sure live its tight but, well i guess what im asking is why is this so cool to yall? is the band friends of yours or is it the tribute (which is dope) makes yall enjoy this?

    like i wrote im out the loop so please enlighten an old fuck like myself.
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